Literary Terms
Figurative Language
Notice and Note

 Point of View is.....

The three types of point of view are....

 What is the perspective from which the story is told?

What are first, second, and third?


The type of figurative language and the literal meaning of it illustrated in the example

You've got ants in your pants.

What is an idiom? What is "can't sit still?"


A synonym for muzzle

What is snout or nose?


In the beginning of the story, what "slivered through the air like blades"

What is "the sharp odors of pine?"


One of the five senses that is repeatedly mentioned throughout the story

What is "sense of smell?"


MOOD of the story means.....A word that describes the mood of Pax....

What is "how the author makes you feel?"

What is "sad, heart wrenching, or intense...?"


A hyperbole is....

What is "an exaggeration that is used to emphasize something?"


In the story PAX what word the author used to describe the root of a tree

What is burled?


How the fox knew the boy was feeling anxious

What is "the boy gripping his baseball glove more tightly" or "the boy buried his face in the fox's white ruff" or "the boy was crying without a sound?"


An important memory moment for the fox

What is "the fox remembers watching the birds from his pen?"


The setting of the story

What is in a car and the woodlands?


The difference between a simile and a metaphor

What is "a simile is a comparison using like or as, and a metaphor is a comparison that does not use like or as"?


True or False

Rumbling and vulnerable are synonyms.

What is false?


The reason the fox was confused about the boy's tears

What is" there was no scent of blood?"


An Aha Moment for the fox

What is " the car speeding away and his boy yelling his name out the window?"


The conflict in the story

What is "the fox being confused about being with his boy or going into the wild?"


What the following simile shows a connection between

Hours upon hours he had watched birds from his pen, quivering at the sight of them slicing the sky as recklessly as the lightening he often saw on summer evening.

What are the birds and the lightening?


What the word sensitive means as it is used in the following sentence

The fox felt the car slow before the boy did, as he felt everything first. Through the pads of his paws, along his spine, in the sensitive whiskers at his wrists.

What is "the ability to sense small changes in the environment?"


What the father did after "saying something to his son in a soft voice that didn't match his lie-scent?"

What is "he grasped the fox by the scruff of the neck?"


What the "Birds!" memory moment tells you about the fox 

What is "the fox is torn between being called to the wild or going back to his boy?"


The climax of the story

What is " Pax was torn between going back to his boy or following the birds?"


What the figurative language in the following sentence emphasizes

He stretched up from the boy's lap and sniffed at threads of scent leaking in through the window, which told him they were now traveling into the woodlands. 

What is "the fox's ability to know where they are"?


What the following sentence tells you about the fox.

He would not displease his humans today.

What is "the fox is loyal to the humans?"


What the fox did after he nudged the toy soldier free and took it between his teeth

What is "he rose on his haunches to allow the boy to find him?"


The effect that the limited third person POV has on the reader

What is "it makes you have compassion and sympathy for the fox?"
