Why did Reuben/Mr. St. Clair appear different than other teachers?
His appearance/face
The new truck was damaged by Ricky
Why do you suppose that after three months, Reuben still hasn’t unpacked?
He says it makes him feel lonely.
It was old-fashioned, small, nice, but not fancy.
True or False: Matt thought he made a mistake talking about the idea to Sidney.
What time period and state did the novel take place?
1990s (92)/California
Who wanted to propose to Arlene, but she thought he was going to break up with her? This person is also Trevor's teacher?
Explain why Arlene slapped Trevor.
Trevor said his father had been gone for over a year and was not coming back.
At First, describe how Mr. St. Clair makes Arlene feel.
No smart - as if she couldn’t understand what he was saying.
Who will be Trevor's social studies teacher at his school during the next school year?
Mr. St. Clair/Reuben
Who is Arlene's friend whom she likes to have coffee with?
Who is the man who vanished, Trevor's father?
Who started the idea of "pay it forward?"
What was Trevor's SECOND "pay it forward" idea? It had something to do with Mrs. Greenburg!
He cleaned up/cleared her gardens. He also paintdc her fence, window boxes, and porch railings.
How is paying it forward different from random acts of kindness?
Paying it forward is purposeful, not random, and has lasting effects.
True or False: Reuben thought Arlene was "too good for him."
False - Arlene thought he was too good for her.
What did Arlene think was going to happen between her and Reuben?
Reuben was going to break up with her.
What did Arlene reveal to Jerry?
She has trouble talking to Trevor because she doesn’t want to hurt him.
Who was the man who was driving his motorcycle and saw a man on the ground hurt badly?
What was Jerry's job? What happened to Jerry?
Mechanic; He got his first paycheck and left; Arrested and went to jail
How did Jerry explain “paying forward”?
He drew circles in the dirt with a stick. He drew three circles and said he had to help out three people.
What is the MAIN reason why Reuben finally decided to buy Arlene a wedding ring?
He was tired of being alone.
What is rainy day money?
Money set aside for emergencies
What did Trevor realize about Jerry and his father?
They were both alike (If Arlene let Jerry inside he would be cleaner like his father, and if his father was outside he would look like Jerry.)
Who was the man found in the alley that was hurt badly? A man on a motorcycle brought him back to his apartment but regretted telling him about "pay it forward?"
Sidney G.
What was Trevor's FIRST "pay it forward" idea?
He put an ad in newspaper; wanted to give away $35 (the amount he made from his weekly paper job)
What happened that changed Arlene’s mind about helping Jerry?
They both saw a shooting stars and that made her feel like they were both the same.
Who is envious of the easy way Trevor and Reuben can talk with each other?
What did Matt do after coming across Sidney G. in the alley?
He brought him back to his apartment. The next day, he talked about "pay it forward" and then regretted his decision to do that. Sidney G. left.
Four parts: What were the projects of the 3 kids who did Mr. St. Clair's project? Which one of the projects did Mr. St. Clair said was the best one?
Recycling project
Graffiti Art
"Pay it Forward"
Trevor's project was the best