The one that started it all, the *first* heist in all of Payday
What is First World Bank?
These four started it all, with their action packed adventures in 2011's Payday: The Heist
Who are Dallas, Wolf, Chains, and Hoxton?
Press F To Pay Respects
What is "Press F To Pay Respects"?
He is the leader of the gang, working behind everyone's back in a cloud of vape smoke to ensure every job goes well, until dissapearing and being poisoned
Who is Bain?
This futuristic device was created with funds meant for Payday 2's Dev cycle. It failed however, being mocked in the game as this mask
What is the Star-Vr?
On this heist, you and your crew need to make your way through 2 parts of a heist. You will also need to escape in a plane after taking the rest of The Dentist's funding in this heist contracted by Locke
What is Border Crossing?
The Heister no longer available
Who is Scarface?
On any Armored Transport heist, find the plans for the Train Heist.
What is "But Wait — There's More!"?
This kind of gold is used to activite the device in the basement of The White House
What is Mayan gold?
Only one of these 2 heists are canon, depending on what route you play, despite them both having the same objective
What are The Bomb Heists?
He is a collab character, with his own perk deck, and not allowed to drive the escape van
Who is Jimmy?
Complete The Alesso Heist without your crew killing anyone.
What is "The Sound Of Silence"?
The lore of these heists were actually changed to better suit the story of Payday 2, noted only as flashbacks
What are the Classic Heists?
Name every infinite heist in Payday 2
What are Cook off, Counterfeit, Prison Nightmare, Cursed Kill Room, Lab Rats, Border Crystals, Santa's Workshop, and White Xmas?
This character spends a fortune on healthy food, and spends a lot of time to keep healthy, introduced with The Butcher
Who is Dragan?
In the First World Bank job, solve the PAYDAY: The Heist secret on the Death Wish difficulty or above and enter the OVERVAULT.
What is "OVERDRILL"?
The nephilim "antagonist" of the greater Payday 2 story
Who is The Dentist?
Name every heist in which the objective is to murder
What are Crude Awakening, Rats, Mountain Master, Scarface Mansion, Hoxton Revenge, and Buluc's Mansion?
This heister spends a fortune on electronics, and has a complicated relationship with Hoxton, that has since cooled down, allowing them to get along.
Who is clover?
On the Brooklyn 10-10 job, reach Charon within 6 minutes on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.
What is "A Rendezvous With Destiny"?
All of these items must be gathered to begin the secret.
What are Bain's Guide, The Elephant's Coffer, The Dentist's Coffer(Healer's Coffer), Locke's Coffer (The Scribe's Coffer), The Obsidian Plate, and Medallion of Perseids?