True or False.
FAFSA awards are based on financial need.
What is the most common reason people don't go to college?
True or False
If I don't graduate or get a job, I don't have to pay back any student loans.
Name one thing that scholarship awards can be based on.
Academic Achievement
Career Choice
You do not have to pay back grants or scholarships. Which one is based only on financial need?
What financial information does FAFSA look at when you apply?
Your Parent's Income (Financial Need)
Name one benefit of higher education.
Higher pay.
More opportunities..
Having a career you enjoy.
The average student takes how many years to pay off their student loans?
True or False.
If you don't think you'll get a scholarship, you shouldn't waste your time applying.
This type of financial aid allows eligible students to earn money through a part-time job.
Work Study
FAFSA can offer you loans, work study, and ___.
Name one way you can earn college credit while still in high school.
AP classes
CE classes
IB program
Davis Technical College (DTC)
Which type of loan will likely have a lower interest rate?
FAFSA or the Bank?
Name one place you can look to find scholarships.
At my school
In my community
On the web
Which option is missing?
What does FAFSA stand for?
Free Application for Federal Student Aid
Most Careers require
__, __, __, or ____ years of education.
1, 2, 4, or more
Which type of student loan through FAFSA does NOT accrue any interest in school?
Subsidized Loan
What is this called?
Scholarship Index
What is the name of the tax-advantaged savings plan designed to encourage saving for future higher education expenses?
My 529