This Teacher Shelby’s had two years in a row
Ms. Cromar
This space is big and is filled with green stuff
The field
This activity happens with each class one a week. Mr. Person leads this activity
This classroom is a kindergarden classroom. This classroom is the closest kindergarden class to the street that has a bathroom in it.
Ms. Alba’s
This teacher Toby and Shelby had as a full time teacher
Ms. Luce
This space has a LOT of plants
The garden
This is another activity that kids can do optionally during recess
Play on the field
This classroom has two trapezoids to make one table
Ms. Cromar’s room
This teacher is no longer at PBE
Mr. Gallo
This place is used for food
The cafetera
This activity got Shelby in trouble last year
Soccer on the field
This classroom is separated from the other classes
Ms. Atwell’s
This teacher is very much into music
Mr. Sandler
This place has a lot of tables
Lunch court/lunch harbor
An annual softball game happens here on the field. It’s the
Parents vs. kids game
This classroom has a door that leads to the hallway near the aduitorim
Ms. Atwell’s
This teacher is having a baby soon
Ms. Erickson
This place has nothing but dirt and a mulch pile
The open space behind the yellow play structure
This activity happened last year a lot on the field. There is still the field outlines there
This class is room 6
Ms. Lea’s