Be Respectful, Responsible, Safe and ALWAYS do your best!
What are the school rules?
Bulldog Pride Tickets
What is the name of our Reward System Tickets
Stop and Think
What students get for a level 2 or minor offense
What is Tier 3 behavior
BIS program
What is the intervention where students check in with a Daily
80% - 90% of students fall into this level
What is the "Green Zone"
3 students per classroom WEEKLY
What is the number of pride tickets that are selected each week from classroom tickets?
Require a parent signature
What is a stop and think or a referral?
Student making noises Students wandering Out of assigned areas
What is Tier 1 behavior
Are intended to CHANGE behaviors, not to punish our students.
What are behavior interventions supposed to accomplish?
On specified dates ALL staff teach or re-teach rules in the location.
What is school-wide schedule and lessons for direct teaching PBIS expectations?
PINK pride tickets
What is the color of pride tickets used by SUBSTITUTES.
Buddy Room
What is a place for teachers to send students who are displaying level 1 or 2 behaviors?
Put downs Play wrestling Repeated talk outs, name calling
What are Tier 2 behaviors
Assistant Principal or Dean's letter home, Sit in the teacher's chair Breakfast in the classroom Game time with the counselor/teacher/friends. etc.
What are some rewards that can be tied to behavior interventions?
Teaching desired behaviors Teaching social behaviors like academic skills Maximizing academic engagement and success Considering the influence of instructional support
What is the INSTRUCTIONAL focus of PBIS?
Principal Pride Winners
Who are the students chosen each Monday from the week's pride ticket winners?
Re-teach expectations and praise students for effort Verbal reminders Buddy classroom Classroom stop and think forms Phone call home to parents
What are some interventions that can be used for level 1 behaviors?
Discuss concerns with PBS team members- Mura, Henderson and Nu-Man
What can staff do if they do not agree with the consequences students were given?
Academic and Behavioral Systems
What are the two systems that ensure student success (2 sides of the pyramid).
10 per week
What is the number of pride tickets that EVERY staff member should be given each week
The behavior can change levels (increasing in severity of consequence).
What happens when behaviors do not improve after several interventions?
Should be used as a LAST resort after several interventions don't change behaviors
When should a REFERRAL be used?
Increased ratio of positive to negative teacher to student interactions. Students actively supervised at all times. Manage Tier 1 behaviors quickly and positively. Ensure smooth and efficient transitions, which comes with practice and repetition.
What are some classroom management strategies that should be emphasized?