What I do when my teacher is teaching.
What is, stay quiet and listen carefully?
Keeping my table neat and clean.
What is, to keep all food and utensils on your own tray?
Everyone's belongings stay safe.
What is, do not touch anything that doesn't belong to you?
Because no one wants to use a dirty restroom!
What is, throw away trash and do not make a mess?
Speak and act with kindness everywhere.
What is, being respectful?
When I am sitting or standing close to another student.
What is, keep my hands and feet to myself?
Keeping the noise level down.
What is, to speak quietly and respectfully?
Showing good sportsmanship.
What is, including others and encouraging them to do their best?
Wash your hands!
What is, stop spreading germs?
Knowing the rules and making sure everyone is following them.
What is, be responsible?
This means I am ready to do my best.
What is, having all classroom materials in front of me?
Because some students have allergies.
What is, not sharing food?
Everyone is monitored and supervised.
What is, staying in your designated area?
If you see a problem.
What is, notify an adult.
Having all materials out and listening carefully to your teacher.
What is, being ready?
Assignments I finish at home and bring back completed.
What is, homework?
So we don't run into one another and make a mess.
What is, walking carefully in the cafeteria?
So you don't miss out on class time.
What is, use the restroom and get water during your break?
Don't waste class time.
What is, return to class promptly?
Being respectful, responsible, and ready.
What is, being Dunlap?
Good behavior in the classroom.
What is, being an active listener and participant in all assignments and activities.
Good behavior in the cafeteria.
What is, keeping my hands, feet, and food to myself and listening to all directions?
Good behavior at recess.
What is, listening to yard duty teachers, using appropriate language, and using equipment correctly?
Good behavior in the restroom.
What is, flushing the toilet, keeping the restroom clean, and washing your hands before leaving?
Our three expectations.
What are, respectful, responsible, and ready?