The purpose of group work
What is collaborate with your group to complete a task?
The purpose of whole group
What is learn something new with your teacher?
The purpose of tests & quizzes
What is independently complete a task to show what you have learned?
The purpose of small group
What is work at a small group table with your teacher?
The respectful voice level during independent work
What is level 0?
The respectful voice level during group work
What is voice level 1?
The respectful voice level during whole group
What is voice level 0 unless responding when called on?
The respectful voice level during test/quizzes
What is voice level 0?
The respectful voice level during small group
What is voice level 1?
This shows integrity during independent work
What is sitting at your desk doing your own work?
This shows integrity during group work
What is actively working with your group sharing ideas and responsibility
This shows integrity during whole group
What is being respectful of others' ideas/opinions?
What is take a risk of making a mistake?
This shows integrity during tests/quizzes.
What is keep your eyes on your own paper?
This shows integrity during small group
What is share ideas and take risks?
This shows being dependable doing independent work
What is completing work and turning it in on time?
This shows being dependable during group work
What is taking turns?
What is putting away all materials when finished?
This shows being dependable during whole group
What is raising hand to answer questions?
This shows being dependable during test/quizzes
What is try your best?
What is turn it in when finished?
This shows being dependable during small group
What is participate in activities?
What is follow directions?
This shows effort during independent work
What is showing your work on every problem?
This shows effort during group work
What is pay attention and participate?
This shows effort during whole group
What is participate during the lesson?
What is listen actively during the lesson?
This shows effort during test/quizzes
What is use strategies?
What is show your work?
This shows effort during small group
What is ask questions when you don't understand?