Why do we need to walk quietly by the office?
Because our principal, Ms. Martin and others in the office are working.
Why do we have tray helpers in the cafeteria?
They are there to help with recycling and to help dump trays quickly so you have more time at lunch. Please help them by not making a mess of your tray. Also, please thank them for the help they give you. :)
Should there be a difference with your voice level out at recess compared to your voice level during lunch?
Yes! There should be a difference. At recess, kids are spread out, but in the cafeteria, the space is small and voices carry. Please use inside voices during lunch.
Do you have to share playground equiptment with your friends?
It's ok to write on the bathroom walls.
No! I will respect school property.
Why do we need to walk by other classrooms quietly?
Because other kids are learning while we are walking by their classroom.
What can we do so that the cafeteria stays clean?
We can keep the tables and floors clean by recycling properly and cleaning up after myself and my area.
When should I follow directions?
The first time that they are given.
When is it ok to damage the equiptment on the playground?
Never! I will use the equiptment correctly at all times.
Name two ways to show respect for self and others in the restroom.
I will wait my turn. I will use the restroom appropriately. I will respect other's privacy.
What does it mean if a teacher closes their door when you walk by?
It means that you are being too loud in the hallway and you are distracting them from their learning.
How should we show self control in the cafeteria?
We can show self control by entering and exiting the cafeteria quietly. We can raise our hand before leaving our seats. We can say "please" and "thank you"
What is Integrity?
Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is looking!
How can I show discipline and self-control on the playground.
I will control my hands and feet. I will line up with my class at the appropritate time.
True and False: I can play in the restroom.
False. I will use the restroom and leave.
What do your teachers expect when they walk you from the cafeteria back to class?
They expect all students to be walking in a line, with their voices off, hands to themselves and quiet feet.
Why are we not allowed to share food at lunch?
We cannot share food at school because many kids have allergies and their parents need to know exactly what they are eating. Even if you are not allergic to the food, there wouldn't be enough to share with everyone. Please do not share food.
How can I show integrity in the classroom?
I can show integrity by being honest, making good choices and by modeling positive behaviors at all times.
It's ok to yell and scream at my friends when I lose a game(football and basketball) on the playground.
No! I will be a good sport at all times.
What do you do if there is water on the restroom floor, no soap or no paper towels
I will report concerns to an adult.
How do we walk from recess to lunch?
We walk down the hallway in a single line with our voices off, our hands to ourselves and quiet feet.
What can you do once you have finished your lunch and cleaned up your area?
We can stay in my seat and socialize with people at our table. We can stand quietly in line while we wait for our teacher to pick us up.
Having all my materials ready for school, being prepared to do my best daily, and focusing on the task at hand is an example of which P.R.I.D.E. letter.
What is E for Excellence?
True or False: When out at recess, you should be able to scream as loud as you want.
False. A teacher may think you are screaming because you are hurt and not safe.
When I return to class quickly from using the restroom, I am showing which letter of P.R.I.D.E.
I for Integrity and honor.