Participate Safely, Act Responsibly, Work Hard, Show Respect
What are PAWS?
A teacher's guide for classroom management containing practical techniques for those who would like to spend more time teaching and less time disciplining students.
What is love and logic?
A system of expectations that works with any set of rules, rewards, or consequences that you are already implementing.
What is CHAMPS?
The problem: A student punched another student and as a result the student is suspended. The student becomes a repeat offender because nothing was discussed.
Restorative Practice: Let's Talk
1. What happened?
2. What were you thinking about when_____happened?
3. Who did this affect, and how so?
What is positive student-teacher communication? (Let's Talk)
When you use problem-solving skills, accept responsibility for decisions, can reflect on choice and talk about alternatives for next time.
What is Decision Making?
Students earn these when showing PAWS
What are PAW Prints?
I am frustrated, angry, or in an emotional state.
When should I not implement consequences?
0- no talking
1- whisper
2- partner talk
3- presentation voice
4- outside voice
What are CHAMPS voice levels?
The problem: Classroom issues aren't being dealt with in the classroom. Students begin to learn that the negative behavior is a way to get out of the classroom.
Restorative Practice: Fix the problem within in the classroom and to make sure it's understood involve the entire class.
1. Have all the students sit together
2. Teachers should include themselves
3. Start with a check-in question
4. Add mindfulness exercises to help release tension
What is circle up? (What is restorative reintegration of the offending student back into the classroom with the entire class)
Ability to contribute to the overall task.
What is Personal Responsiblity?
Student found a dollar bill on the floor and turned it into the teacher.
What is Act Responsibly?
Making a connection between the student's behavior and the consequence.
(Does the consequence fit the behavior)
What is a logical consequence?
C- Conversation (which level voice the students may use during the task)
H- Help (how students signal for help during a task)
A- Activity (what is the task or objective)
M- Movement (how much movement the students are allowed within the classroom)
P- Participation (what students do or sound like that demonstrates they are participating)
S- Success (the end result when a student follows the program)
What does CHAMPS stand for?
The problem: Relying on classroom rules doesn't work. The classroom should be a place where students feel at home. Classroom culture does not just happen; it is built, nurtured, and sustained
Restorative Practice:
Instead of:
1. Cell Phones are not allowed
2. Food is not allowed
3. Maintain a whisper voice
The expectation became:
1. Engage in productive work
2. Maintain a safe and clean environment
3. Share space effectively
What are positive, clear and consistent expectations?
Awareness of strength and limitations
What is Self Awarenes?
A tangible schoolwide behavior incentive program that allows students to use their paw prints
What is the school store?
As a teacher I take into consideration ______ before I assign consequences.
What is empathy? (will not use pity, anger, judgement etc.)
Students experience positive results when they engage in responsible behavior
What is giving verbal praise, writing positive notes, encouraging students to praise themselves?
The Problem: Too many students maintain a mindset of I can't do it.
Restorative Practice:
1. Ask student to recall the first time they did something that they are now pretty good at.
2. Have the students map out the steps they took to advance from beginner to their current level.
3. Hang some of these progressions on the walls and reference them later to reassure student that growth is possible through hard work.
What is a Growth Mindset?
Observes personal space for self and others
What is Social Awareness?
I can acknowledge and collaboratively support the NBE PBIS schoolwide system by
What is passing out paw prints?
Don't discount students emotions by such phrases as "You don't really feel that way, do you?" Of course, they do!
(This is not to say that we must condone all feelings, but to discount them as invalid is to attack the student's very inner being.)
What is give credibility to students' feelings?
Modify any conditions that may be perpetuating the misbehavior
(As a teacher what are some actions that you can take to modify the conditions)
What are providing lessons to teach students how to behave, assigning different seats to students who talk when they sit together, modify work that is too difficult, pacing lessons, and providing something for students to do when they complete their work.
The Problem: Students lack self-awareness and regulation.
Restorative Practice: In order for student to address the problem of a lack of mindfulness and self-awareness, they must learn the difference between reacting and responding. Use the acronym PLAN.
P- Pause: stop what you're doing, close your eyes and engage in mindful breathing.
L- Listen: What is your body trying to tell you? Notice these thoughts and feelings, but don't cling to them. Let them come and go as you breathe and listen.
A- Ask: Is what your body telling you to do a true representation of who you want to be as a person? What choice could you make that you would be proud to remember tomorrow?
N- Next: Decide what to do. You have taken a moment to breathe, acknowledge how you feel, and reconnect to your values. You're much more likely now to make a decision you wont regret.
What is teaching mindfulness?
Positive thinking and self talk
What is Optimistic Thinking?