Twice monthly on Tuesday
When does the PBIS team meet?
Work with students to develop these incentives
Consider using admin to support
What are classroom PBIS incentives?
123 Magic
After 2 in class consequences in a day, next step is office reflection
What is in-class consequences?
Classroom Lessons
- Respectful (Wed)
- Responsible (Thurs)
- Ready (Fri)
What are materials on canvas?
Sign up for the committee via Mrs. Pettigrew
How can you join PBIS committee?
Bellows Pledge
Paws for Praise
1-2-3 Magic (separate presentation)
What are some tools to help reinforce PBIS values?
Schedule this is advance
"Prices" in increments of fives, from 5 to 100
One item at a time
What is monthly PBIS incentive?
Yelling inside
Not sitting down when asked
Refusing to follow directions
Play fighting
What are some classroom managed behaviors?
PBIS Matrix
Behavior Process
What are materials are canvas?
Review data - positives and discipline
Plan quarterly activities
Address questions and concerns
What does the committee do during monthly meetings?
Applies to all areas of school day
Students receive this when they demonstrate their Bellows Best
These are given out frequently and immediate
Students keep track and can turn in for incentive
Cannot be taken away once earned
What are Paws for Praise?
Special lunch with friends and teacher
What is a lunch bunch incentive?
Arguing with a teacher/talking back
Running in hallway
Play fighting
What are reflection form behaviors?
Consistency is the Key
Review expectations before transitions and something new
Practice expected behaviors in each location
Bellows Best in the Cafeteria
How to implement PBIS?
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
What does PBIS stand for?
Students receive these for going above and beyond
Aim for at least one per student per year
Individualized targets
Aim to make call from classroom
What are Cheetah Calls?
Students can buy special items off a cart
What is prize cart?
Physical and verbal fighting
Spitting / Biting
What are office referral behaviors?
Discuss menu ideas with student input and send to Aimee
Review classroom lessons with your teammates
What to do before students come to school?
Who is Eastgate's PBIS Coordinator?
Ms. Harris, School Social Worker