What is the name of a 2nd grade teacher?
Mrs. Rossman or Ms. Miller
Name 2 places where you should be level 0 at all times.
Hallway and Bathroom
What are the 3 main expectations for Hallway?
Level Zero, Walking Feet, Single File Line, Maintain Self Control (Keep your body to yourself!), Go straight to your destination
What should you do before coming to class?
Use the restroom during breakfast, or before entering the classroom
What does the B stand for in BARK?
Behave or Behavior
What is the name of a 1st grade teacher?
Mrs. Hocker, Mrs. Mohn, or Mrs. Keesee
Name 2 places it's okay to be level 1.
Bus, cafeteria, classroom, car rider line, bus line, playground, and special events.
What are the 3 main expectations for Bathroom?
Level 0, Wait Your Turn, Respect Other's Privacy, Wash Hands & Dry When Done.
What are the 2 things you do once you enter the classroom in the morning?
Put bookbag in cubby and give notes to teacher.
What does the A stand for in BARK?
What is the name of the elementary principal?
What is the name of our secretary?
Mr. Gearheart
Mrs. Wozniak
Mrs. Sharon
Where is the ONLY place is acceptable to be a level 3 voice?
What are the 3 main expectations for Playground?
Level 0-3, Take Turns, Be Responsible by using equipment appropriately, Invite others to play, NO screaming unless it's an emergency, ask to get equipment that goes over fence or into road.
What are 2 things you need everyday?
Pencil, chromebook, or supplies needed for that subject.
What does the R stand for in BARK?
and give example...
What is the name of the math coach?
Mrs. Miller
Which three voice levels are permitted in the classroom (per teacher's directions)?
What are the 3 main expectations for Bus?
Listen to the driver, Level 0-1, Use appropriate language, keep hands and feet to self, think before you speak, stay seated unless exiting bus, stay quiet for railroad tracks.
What is the last 3 things you do before exiting the classroom at the end of the day?
Put chairs up, plug chromebook in, clean area, put things in cubby, line up
What does the K stand for in BARK?
and give example
Kind or Kindness
What is the name of the title reading teacher for 2nd grade?
Mrs. Brickley
What is the symbol for level zero, so others know to not talk, but your not talking to tell them not to talk?
Bulldog Hand Gesture
What are the 3 main expectations for classroom?
Level 0-2 depending on teacher's directions, Follow directions, Be polite, Always do your best, Respect others and school property, THINK before you speak, be open minded to others
In a fire drill, what are the 3 expectations?
Level 0, Walking Feet, stand in single file line in expected spot, stay quiet the whole time, don't hold door open, no screaming, be respectful to others (no shoving).
Give an example for EVERY letter in BARK.