What should you do when walking in the hallway alone?
Walk quietly.
Which bathrooms can TK/K students use?
C-wing restrooms.
What should you do with your trash after eating?
Pick up your trash and place it in the correct cans.
What should you do when the bell rings?
Line up.
How should you walk when you are alone or with a friend on the ramps?
What should your hands do when you are in a line in the hallway?
Hands to sides or behind back.
What should you do if the bathroom is not clean?
Let an adult know.
Can you share food at the lunch tables?
No sharing food.
What do you do with your snack while on the playground?
Leave it in the baskets at the bottom of the ramp.
What should you do when you are in a line on the ramp?
Face forward and keep hands to your sides or behind your back.
What is the voice level when walking in a line in the hallway?
Voice level zero.
What does MYOB stand for?
Mind Your Own Business.
What is the first thing you do when you are dismissed from lunch?
Line up on the blue line.
How can you be respectful to adults on the playground?
By listening to them and following directions.
Where should you walk if you are going up the ramp?
The ramp by the lunch tables.
What is one thing you can do to show respect in the hallway?
Face forward and walk quietly.
What is a rule for using the bathrooms?
Leave it as clean as you found it.
Why is it important not to leave food at the table?
To keep the area clean and safe for everyone.
What does it mean to play safely?
To avoid rough play and respect others' space.
Why is it important to follow the rules on the ramps?
To keep everyone safe and avoid accidents.
Why is it important to keep your voice down in the hallway?
To help others concentrate and not disturb classes.
Why is it important to use the bathroom you are directed to?
To keep things organized and safe.
How can you show kindness at the lunch tables?
By being respectful and sharing space with others.
Why is sharing important on the playground?
It helps everyone have fun and enjoy the games.
What happens if you don’t follow the ramp rules?
It could lead to unsafe situations or accidents.