What time does breakfast start?
9:00 Monday
This is how many people are in a stall at one time
This is where I should keep my hands, feet, and body
To myself
These are the doors I enter through
The back doors
When I walk into the lunch room I should have this level of voice
Level 1
What is something you need to have to get your breakfast?
Breakfast card
This is what my job is right after going to the bathroom
Wash my hands with soap and water
This is who I can talk to to help me solve problems
Supervisors, Miss Sherwood, Ms. Ford
When I enter the building I should have this kind of voice and body
zero voice and calm body
This is where I need to go after I get my lunch plate
Directly to your classroom table
At my seat
This is the voice level I should have while in the bathroom
This is where wall ball is played
The rainbow wall
This is when I need to get in my class line
Right when the bell rings
This is who releases me to get up from my table
My teacher
This is where I put all of my garbage when I am finished eating
the trashcan
Paper towels go here when your hands are dry
In the garbage can
This is how many people are on the slide at one time
This is where my hands and feet need to be
To myself
This is where my garbage belongs
In the garbage can
This is how I get in and out of the multipurpose room
Where should I go when I am done using the bathroom and washing my hands?
Directly back to class
This is one way I can be respectful at recess
Follow adult directions
Walk around games
Line up when the bell rings
This is where my backpack belongs
In my classroom line