This sister was supposed to dance on stage with Justin Bieber at his purpose tour but he cancelled the tour bc he was sick and never got to
This sister has lived in 3 states (Michigan, Maryland, and Oregon)
Samantha L
This sister was in a males room fully in his clothes and when he left the room for a second she opened up a closed picture frame and it was a picture of him and his girlfriend (which I had no idea abt)
Jessica C
This sister uses bubblegum toothpaste and sleeps with an eye mask
Jess B
This sister got kicked by a horse when she was 9
This sister was was the only girl on my high schools golf team
This sister went clubbing with her friends in nyc and when she got home her garage code wasn’t working and everyone was sleeping so she slept outside on my grass
This sister First semester her and 3 friends went to 4 lax guys apartment after the bar but as soon as they got there they all started to blackout and couldn’t make it home. Not sure what happened after she arrived at their apartment. All she remembers is waking up in 1 of their beds w 3 other girls at 7 am extremely confused and needing to leave immediately so they snuck out of the room, stole their parkas and walked home and then got harassed by them for the next week to return their parkas
This sister has two siblings in the fridge ( IVF ) waiting to be made.
This sister put a guy in prison
This sister got with a 23 man in the air force while she was a sophomore in high school in costa rica
Annie F
This sister had strep throat that traveled down to her stomach, then was hospitalized for two days, and was in a wheelchair for 48 hours because she could not walk
This sister wore fake glasses for the first 12 years of her life
Sophie W
This sister plays guitar
This sister One time when was going to hookup with a guy, didn’t want that to happen while my friend was sleeping next to us. So he took me to what she thought was bedroom, but instead it was a bathroom. She proceeded to sleep with this guy on top of the bathroom sink, and she thought turned the sink on while it was happening on accident.
This sister one time a boy took her to homecoming and paid for everything (bless his heart) and then she hooked up with the bop of their school (their words, not mine) and then the next day my date blocked her and the guy she got with left me on open!
This sisters diet consists of chips and fast food and she have high cholesterol
This sister had two sets of front teeth in her mouth and had to have holes drilled in the top of her mouth to get the extra set taken out
Caroline G
This sister drove into a one-way highway exit ramp while she illegally had two of her friends in the car (I escaped and everything was fine)
This sister was getting with a guy in the back of his car in a parking lot in her town and 2 cop cars came at us full speed from both sides and told them to get out of the car. They thought they were part of a burglary that happened nearby
This sister on NYE showed up at her ex bfs best friends house bc he had people over after the bar. Then she fell head first down his stairs then proceeded to cry to him in his driveway about how my ex doesn’t care about me (he came to my house the next morning)
Lauren H