RA with red hair
Who is RA Zabria?
Number of floor themes
What is 10?
T/F: I don't have to show my Panther Card
What is False?
Want to get Fit
What is GSU Recreation Center?
Never Has the RA Ever been in a pageant
Who is RA Blandine?
New York RA
Who is RA Wendy?
Fall Magical Floor
What is Floor Eight?
T/F: RAs need permission to come into your room
What is False?
Questions about Waitlist
What is Central Housing?
Never has an RA ever been New This Semester
Who is RA Harmony?
RA graduating with a BSN
Who is RA Autumn?
Under the Sea
What is Floor Three?
Overnight Amount
What is Six Overnights?
Feeling Overwhelmed
What is Counseling Center?
Never Has Two RAs Ever been an AKA
Who is RA Shaunti & RA Nia?
Who is SRA Betoyah?
Heaven and Hell Floor
What is Floor Six?
Two Main Evacuation Sites
What is J Deck & the Church?
Help with a Hold
What is Office of Registrar?
Never Has Two RAs Ever had Microlocs
Who is SRA Sierra & RA Alex?
Three International RAs
Who is RA Selin, RA Amy, and RA Arizé?
Number of Meeseeks
What is 53?
Access Card Entry Amount
What is two?
Struggling in Class
What is Tutor Ocean?
Never Has Three RAs Ever been Bi/Multilingual
Who is RA Skyy, RA Rashell, & RA Christian?