Prejudice, Discrimination, and Stereotyping
Persuasion: So Easily Fooled

What views are shared by those with high Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) scores?

That inequality in the world is "normal and natural" and that group hierarchy should be maintained; people from outgroups are looked down on while other groups are deemed superior.


What is the key difference between central and peripheral routes to persuasion?

The central route to persuasion relies on the target's logic and reasoning to absorb the information they are given in order to make a decision based on the persuader's points. The peripheral route to persuasion relies on the target to not be thinking critically and uses heuristics in an attempt for the target to make a quick decision without understanding the results.


What is an issue with automatic biases?

Automatic biases have individuals favouring their own groups with the trade-off being that they like people from other groups less.


What characteristics make the Triad of Trustworthiness and what makes them so important?

Authority: Parents and teachers that controlled what we had access to as we grew up made us treat them as people that had the best decisions for us. This moral virtue of respect continues into adult lives for the people deemed as society's authorities (doctors, judges, bosses etc.)

Honesty: Being seen as honest and transparent will make consumers have mental shortcuts to companies and products and that the people behind the product can be trusted.

Likability: Being likable can be attributed to physical attractiveness and can make people believe that they are smarter, kinder and more successful than others.
