What does ADLs stand for?
Activities of Daily Living
The minimum amount of time required for washing hands
20 seconds or singing happy birthday twice
When you have completed ADLs, what do you do before you leave the patient's room?
Return the bed to the lowest position, if the bed alarm is necessary set the alarm, put personal belongings within reach, ask the patient if there is anything you can do for them before you leave.
While completing ADLs, what are some important things to notify the RN about?
Any noted change in the patient's status, any new skin changes, if the patient refused care
What are some ADLs that you perform every day?
Assisting or providing bathing, assist to bathroom, commode (toileting), foley care, setting up patient's tray or feeding patient
The personal hygiene skill that is used before and after patient care.
Hand Hygiene (washing hands)
If I am unsure what the pathway is for incontinence care and when I can use disposable products, where do I look?
In the GFH intranet, policies - Incontinence management
True/false: Ambulating a patient is part of ADLs
While providing a complete bed bath, what are you doing while washing each limb?
Range of motion
What PPE is donned before touching anything deemed "dirty".
The skill used that gives the PCA a daily and/or per shift opportunity to check for bed sores and other skin conditions.
A partial bed bath, full bed bath, perineal care, or catheter care
What does oral care consist of?
Providing, assisting or setting up the patient with brushing their teeth, denture care, mouth rinse and offering an oral moisturizer agent, toothette if the patient is not a candidate for brushing their teeth due to their acuity (gather the supplies and provide oral care to Pat!)
When providing care to a patient on contact isolation, what do you do before providing ADLs?
Don PPE (mask, gloves, isolation gown and safety goggles if necessary)
Steps to properly dispose of urine or eliminated material.
Apply gloves for PPE, obtain a graduated cylinder, mark it with the patient's bed number, empty urine into cylinder, wipe end with alcohol pad return end to the attachment of catheter bag
Your patient has been admitted for three days and you notice that their facial hair has grown in. What do you do?
Ask the patient's RN to make sure that this is appropriate for this patient (patient may be on blood thinners), you may offer to shave them if they are unable or supply them with the necessary supplies
After ADLs are completed, where do you document them?
How do you complete or assist a patient for bathing who is independent?
Set them up in the bathroom with soap, water, washcloths, towels, lotion, toothbrush and toothpaste
What patient would you use the warm wipes for bathing?
Patient's who are dependent
During ADLs, what product can you apply to the patient to assist with comfort and help in the prevention of skin breakdown?
Lotion after bathing and barrier cream to the coccyx, sacrum and bony prominences