All PCCs should have this in order to communicate effectively with their members
Up-to-date Member list
The Speakers Bureau list can be found here
PCC BlueShare
The Publication contains program policies & rules
Pub 286
This Area Monthly call must have Executive Board attendance 8 times a year to qualify for Premier Certificate Awards.
In order to maintain & grow your membership, your PCC should have the following
Membership Committee
This USPS certification course, offered through many PCCs, must be renewed every 2 years
Mail Design Professional (MDP)
This Board Member must co-sign PCC checks
Postal Co-Chair
This monthly e-newsletter provides PCC members with the latest news regarding PCCs & the USPS
PCC Insider
Having this resource for members keeps them informed on the latest with your PCC
Use this template to prepare your educational events so that no detail is missed
Event Planning Template
The only approved social media platform for PCC
PCC Voice
The Marketing Toolbox can be found here
To gain new members your PCC should do this
Hold membership drives
Implementing this within your PCC will provide your members a certificate of achievement after attending educational events
Professional Certificate & Track Program
This document provides provisions for running your PCC.
When mailing marketing materials for your PCC, postage can be paid using this
G-10 Permit