True or False:

Level 2 requires 7-19 hours of services per week? 

What is False: 

Level 2 requires 9-19 hours of services per week. 


What are the 8 dimensions on the wellness wheel? 

Emotional, Environmental, Intellectual, Spiritual, Physical, Occupational, Social, and Financial


What groups does PCC offer? 

What are Family Connections, Adolescent, Probation, The Gathering, Achieving Balance, 3 DUII, Level 1, Level 2, Recovery Maintenance, 


What risk severity would this individual qualify for D2? 

Dimension 2: Tommy completed the infectious disease risk assessment and medical concerns form, no referral to MD required. He reported that he is currently prescribed Prozac (80mg, daily) to treat symptoms of depression and anxiety. He does not appear to have any physical health conditions that may impact his ability to engage in counseling or achieve and maintain abstinence.  

Risk Severity Rating: 0 - None, evidenced by self-report that he is fully functioning and not experiencing any significant pain or discomfort.


What days and times are DUII Education groups? 

What is Tuesday 5pm-7pm

Wednesday 2pm-4pm Zoom

Saturday 10am-12pm


When should you send progress for DHS individuals? 

At the time of assessment (or enrollment), counselors will fax/email an enrollment progress report to the caseworker at DHS Child Welfare. This progress report will include the initial UA results (if available), treatment schedule, primary counselor, and a request for collateral information. Counselors will contact (via phone, fax, or email) the individual’s caseworker at least 1x per month regarding the individual’s treatment progress, sobriety date, attendance, participation, treatment compliance, etc. A copy of these reports will be placed in the individual’s chart and documented on the client’s Communication Log. Some caseworkers have requested that counselors provide more frequent progress updates, counselors will verify the caseworker’s preference at the beginning of treatment. Counselors will immediately report any other important concerns/questions/unusual circumstances to the caseworker, including positive UA results. Please note, counselors may give individuals the opportunity to report the positive UA results to their caseworker themselves. In this case, the counselor will wait 24 hours before reporting the UA results. Regarding attendance, counselors will inform the caseworker if the individual misses 2 treatment contacts in a row. Upon treatment completion, counselors will fax or email a copy of the graduation certificate and relapse prevention plan to the caseworker.


When should you send progress for Federal Probation individuals? 

At the time of assessment, the program manager will email an enrollment progress report to the probation officer indicating assessment results, treatment schedule, service plan, and UA results if applicable. Prior to assessment, collateral information will be received and reviewed by the agency. Monthly progress reports will be sent by the program manager to the PO regarding the individual’s treatment progress, sobriety date, attendance, participation, treatment compliance, etc. If an individual misses any treatment contact, the program manager will notify the PO within 24 hours of the missed contact. A copy of these reports will be placed in the individual’s chart and documented on the client’s Communication Log. The program manager will immediately report any other important concerns/questions/unusual circumstances to the caseworker, including positive UA results. Upon treatment completion, the program manager will fax or email a copy of the graduation certificate and relapse prevention plan to the PO.


What are 5 recovery skills? 

Calling friends/family, going to a meeting or other recovery support, going for a walk, grounding, 


What programs does PCC offer? 

What are Lv2, Lv1, DUII, Family Connections, Adolescent, Probation including Federal, Post Prison, and Jackson County, DHS, MIP, and Mental Health


How often should individuals be providing substance screenings? 

Random observed UAs play an important role in treatment and should be requested of the individual at least twice a month, preferably more often. (Note: Some Probation Officers and DHS Caseworkers require UAs more frequently. 

DUII: at least weekly observed random UAs (with no more than a 14 calendar day gap). 

MIP: Random UAs should be provided weekly. 


How many hours of services per week is required for Lv. 1 individuals? 

1-8 hours per week


What date in the month does Lorrie have to have DUII status reports to the court system?

No later than the 10th of each month


What risk severity would the following individual qualify for D4? 

Tommy currently appears to be in the Action Stage of Change for methamphetamine as evidenced by awareness that a problem exists and consequences of his use, seeking support, appearing internally motivated to maintain abstinence, and statements that reflect openness to learning new skills for positive emotional and behavioral changes. He currently appears to be in the Precontemplation Stage of Change for alcohol and cannabis as evidenced by self-report that he does not see his use of the substances as problematic and lack of awareness of consequences and statements that reflect he has little to no intention to achieve and maintain abstinence from these substances. He appears aware of the problems underlying his substance use. Tommy reported 2 life-time arrests, both of which were alcohol and methamphetamine related. Tommy appears committed enough and reported no barriers.  

Risk Severity Rating: 1 - Mild, evidenced by willingness to engage in treatment but appearing ambivalent to changing all problematic behavior.


What risk severity for D6 would this individual qualify for? 

Dimension 6: Morgan reported that she is living with her aunt and her mother and older sister. She reported dissatisfaction with her living circumstances. She reported that she is currently unemployed; she left her job in the medical field about 4 months ago due to her depression however, feels her basic needs are met financially. She reported that she is currently taking online classes at a trade school. She reported that her support system is "good, I guess;" she identified family as being her main support system and that she does have sober peer support as well. She identified several leisure activities but reported that she is not currently engaging in them due to debilitating mental health symptoms. Morgan's overall environmental circumstances may present a barrier to maintaining abstinence.  

Risk Severity Rating: 1 - Mild, evidenced by passive/disinterested support but able to cope and no serious environmental risks.


Which celebrity became sober to be a "present parent for her children" who sings the following songs: 


I want to love you forever

With you

Who is Jessica Simpson


What risk severity level for D5 would this individual qualify for? 

Morgan reported no previous engagement in substance use counseling other than completing an assessment at Kolpia on 6/24/2022 but did not follow through with treatment recommendations. She reported that she can resist environmental pressures to use and that she has alternatives to alcohol use. She reported no triggers/relapse influences and stated, "I barely have any coping skills for anything." She reported that her home is not A&D-free and that her whole family drinks but stated, "they keep it away from me." Morgan currently appears to be at moderate risk of relapse as evidenced by self-reported minimal length of abstinence and self-reported aversion to alcohol due to it exacerbating physical health issues but lack of awareness of triggers, minimal identified healthy coping skills, and alcohol in the home. While in counseling, Morgan may benefit from exploration of potential triggers/relapse influences so that she can develop and implement healthy coping/relapse prevention skills relevant to her.  

Risk Severity Rating: 2 - Moderate, evidenced by minimal and inconsistent use of healthy coping skills but statements reflecting that she is able to self-manage with prompting.  


True or False: 

The role of the ART team is to provide individuals resources such as housing and food? 



When should you send progress for probation individuals? 

At the time of assessment (or enrollment), counselors will fax/email an enrollment progress report to the Probation Officer at Jackson County Community Justice. This progress report will include the initial UA results (if available), treatment schedule, primary counselor, and a request for collateral information. Counselors will contact (via phone, fax, or email) the individual’s Probation Officer at least 1x per month regarding the individual’s treatment progress, sobriety date, attendance, participation, treatment compliance, etc. A copy of these reports will be placed in the individual’s chart and documented on the client’s Communication Log. Some Probation Officers have requested that counselors provide weekly progress updates, counselors will verify the Probation Officer’s preference at the beginning of treatment. For individuals in the FSAP program, progress reports are required weekly to the Probation Officers. Counselors will immediately report any other important concerns/questions/unusual circumstances to the Probation Officer, including positive UA results. Please note, counselors may give individuals the opportunity to report the positive UA results to their Probation Officers themselves. In this case, the counselor will wait 24 hours before reporting the UA results. Regarding attendance, counselors will inform the Probation Officer if the individual misses 2 treatment contacts in a row. Upon treatment completion, counselors will fax or email a copy of the graduation certificate and relapse prevention plan to the Probation Officer.


What are 5 relapse triggers? 

People, places, things, time periods, events....


Which actor received the Spirit of Sobriety award in 2015 to celebrate 25 clean years. 

Movies: Young blood, Pocket listing, The Outsiders, Thank you for smoking

Who is: Rob Lowe


Which actor developed an alcohol addiction while filming the "Harry Potter" movies.

Who is Daniel Radcliffe


What is ISO? 

Isotonitazene is a potent synthetic opioid, and it is being abused for its opioidergic effects. The abuse of isotonitazene, similar to other synthetic opioids, has been associated with adverse health effects, including numerous deaths. The availability of synthetic opioids in the illicit drug market continues to pose an imminent hazard to the public safety. Adverse health effects associated with the abuse of synthetic opioids and the continued evolution and increased popularity of these substances have been a serious concern in recent years
