R U Kidneying Me?
Lyte up my life
Slow to go
Dial me up
Name the three processes involved in the formation of urine
What is glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption, and tubular secretion
Which mineralocorticoid has the greatest influence on sodium excretion
What is Aldosterone
A sudden loss of renal function with a decreased glomerular filtration rate which may or may not produce oliguria or anuria with a concurrent increase in plasma creatinine and blood urine nitrogen
What is acute renal failure
This is known as the final stage of renal failure or chronic kidney disease
What is end-stage renal failure
Name the 3 principles which are utilized in dialysis
What is osmosis, diffusion, and filtration
The most common cause of change in the hydrostatic pressure
What is a change in systemic blood pressure (it changes the actual flow of blood into the glomerulus)
This causes the hematocrit to be decreased in hyponatremia
What is water excess
Name the four cycles of ARF
What is onset, oliguria, diuretic, and recovery
The definition of chronic kidney disease as defined by the Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative of the National Kidney Foundation notes that glomerular filtration rate is less than this
What is 60 mL/min/1.73m2 for 3 or more months
Name 3 contraindications for utilizing peritoneal dialysis
What is any pt with blood dyscrasias, pt's with fresh postoperative vascular prosthesis (fem pops), pt's who have had recent peritoneal surgeryor those with post op abdominal drains, abdominal adhesions or any other condition where there is a danger of puncturing the viscera, and pregnant women
name the two processes of the nephron
What is absorption and secretion
Name early changes in the electrocardiogram (ECG)tracing with hyperkalemia (5.5 to 7.5 mEq/L)
What is tall, peaked, or tent shaped T wave
Normal urinary output
What is 0.5ml/kg/hour
The key to delaying further kidney damage
What is controlling blood pressure below 130/80 per ACE-Inhibitors or ARBs
Name 3 things which influence the effectiveness of the dialysate
What is the concentration ( the more concetrated the solute, the greater the osmotic forces exerted to remove the fluid and waste products), the temperature (urea clearance is 35% greater at body temp than at room temp and adds to pt comfort), the volume (an exchange of 3 L of dialysate in 1 hour almost doubles the urea clearance achieved with 1 L/hr-most adults are comfortable with 2L/hr exchange)
The major function fo the loop of Henle
What is to concentrate or dilute urine as necessary
Name the two tests completed at the bedside to assess for hypocalcemia
What is Chvostek's sign and Trousseau" sign (pg 505)
This occurs as a result of decreased GFR in spite of adequate urine output and is an excess of urea or other nitrogenous bodies in the blood
What is progressive azotemia
Name the 5 stages of chronic kidney disease
What is Stage 1:Kidney damage with normal or increased GFR (90 or greater) Stage 2: Mild reduction in GFR (60-89) Stage 3: Moderate reduction in GFR (30-59) Stage 4: Severe reduction in GFR (15-29) and Stage 5: Kidney failure (GFR below 15)
The process of removing metaboic waste products of the body by the use of extracorporeal circulation
What is hemodialysis
Describe how the kidneys regulate acid-base balance
What is by controlling the bicarbonate ion, and in much less quantity, the hydrogen ion.
Name the six electrolytes of major concern for renal regulation
What is sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphate, magnesium, and chloride
The greatest danger to the pt while in the diuretic phase
What is excessive loss of water and electrolytes
For a patient with chronic kidney disease, it is essential to determine the patient's state of hydration. When the MD orders fluid restriction, what should the fluids be restricted to
What is fluids are restricted to amounts equal to urine output plus 400 mL for insensible fluid loss. Remember that 1000 mL of fluid weighs about 2.2 pounds (1 kg)
CRRT (continuous renal replacement therapy) is dependent on the rate of blood flow, which is determined by this
What is the mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) and must be greater than 60 mm Hg to maintain the system