True Or False: We need to Provide a call back time frame for Escalations.
If a phone number is provided, where in Facilitator do we have to document the number?
In the “Phone 3” field
True Or False: When providing FAQ's we need to provide them in our own words.
All FAQ's should be provided Verbatim.
How many tags do we use when documenting the account?
All that apply.
Where is this QA Mark from: Agents are expected to ‘service with a smile’ from start to finish of a call, only deviating from a pleasant tone when appropriate.
Did the Agent maintain a pleasant tone throughout the call?
Agent should attempt to verify the caller with?
Claimant ID or
TIN or
Email address or
An EID when returning a message left during an escalation callback
When documenting the EPIC TIN account do we update "phone filed 3"?
The only information we should be updating on the Epiq TN is the PHONE COMMENT or EID. Do not update the record information, this includes the name (EPIQ TEST), address or phone number fields, no exceptions.
When providing FAQ's for conflicts, in what section will you find them?
Authorization Status (AUTH STATUS)
When providing FAQ's off the Authorization Status (AUTH STATUS) what is the proper disposition?
Where is this QA Mark from: PARTIAL: The Agent verified the caller using an EID but provided claim specific information outside of the EID response, without further verification.
Did the agent (attempt to) authenticate the Caller?
When doing an outbound call and following our call flow script for outbound, Do we verify the caller?
If calling to provide an escalation response: You provide the EID there for there is no need to Verify the call.
If returning a dropped call: Once permission is obtained, proceed to the call flow for verification before answering any further questions.
False: We need to prioritize the Registrant.
When providing an FAQ and you need to create an escalation, Do we need to contact Help desk for the approval?
If the FAQ already tells you to create the escalation there is no need to reach out to help desk.
True Or False: We can use the Tag "RE: Conflicts - Conflicts " when providing Authorization Status (AUTH STATUS) FAQs?
Where is this QA Mark from: PARTIAL: All Tags were added but the Phone Number was NOT documented on a verified record.
Did the Agent document the call appropriately?
Provide at least 3 approved Escalation types to be used by Call Center:
If the customer does not provide any information to locate record, but we did provide FAQ's to answer general questions. How would we document?
We would need to document the call using the EPIQ TIN number.
If customer was not able to provide any information to verify or locate account. What FAQ's can we provided.
Only FAQ's that don't require Verification.
What Disposition will you use if we did not provide any FAQ's on the call?
No disposition should be documented if no FAQ's were provided.
Where is this QA Mark from: PASS: The Agent used appropriate phrasing and offered additional information/escalation as appropriate. Agent did not state “I don't know” (without follow up resolution).
Did the Agent provide the customer with a resolution?
If a caller mentions that they were contacted by another company regarding this settlement (THIRD PARTY FILER) What FAQ Are we providing.
Someone contacted me (other than Epiq, who may be a POTENTIAL third party) saying I had to…
If a caller is calling in about a closed Escalation, after assisting customer with resolution, do we document the completed Escalation?
You should still be able to document completed Escalation.
When a caller is having technical difficulties with in the merchant portal which FAQ do we provide?
Generic Website Errors.
When providing PAYFAC FAQ's What is the proper Disposition?
Rights of Class Members
Where is this QA Mark from: FAIL: An FAQ to resolve the caller’s inquiry was available but was not utilized and when Help Desk was consulted the agent failed to properly convey the caller’s question/concern, resulting in HD not being able to provide the Agent the appropriate FAQ.
Did the Agent provide correct information to the customer?