Time Out
More Commands
Special Sessions

"Please put your hands on the table"

What is an effective command stated positively

Parent: "Please hand me the red block"

Child: "ok"  but does not move towards compliance

Child: whines "do I have to"

Child continues playing as if they did not hear you

Parents next steps are....

Parent remains silent for 5 sec. If child has not started to comply, parent considers this a disobey and would give the warning.


name the 2 types of commands

What are  play commands and real life commands


Immediate time out for verbal or physical aggression at home 

What is The House Rule protocol- only implemented after PDI is well established with child.


The counselor would coach the parent to begin PDI at home during special time after the PDI teach session.

False:  The counselor would coach the parent to continue CDI at home during special time until the counselor gives the green light to roll out PDI at home. 


True or False:  Commands should be stated in a normal tone of voice.

What is True


True or False:  Child is hanging over the side of the chair, bottom still on chair.  This is considered off the chair and the parent would take child to time out room.

False.  Child's body must be 50% off chair to be considered off the chair.


True or False: In PDI level one the parents are using commands through out the day

False:  In PDI level one the parents are using  play commands only during 5 min of special time.


It is not recommended to have siblings join the child in the office during special time

False:  A sibling session may be beneficial, a sibling session would only occur at the end of PDI.


The counselor will coach the parent enthusiastically play with the toys while the child is in the time out chair in order to encourage the child to be good so they can return to play

False: The counselor will coach the parent to stand quietly, diverting their eyes, actively ignoring conversation with the child until the time out is over. 


"Behave"  "settle down"  "Watch out"  "be good"

What are ineffective commands that are vague.  Commands should be specific.  example: "use your quiet voice" 


True or False:  The child must stay in the time out room for 5 min.

False:  The child stays in the time out room until the parents says they can come out. The coach monitors time for 1 min. 


This type of command makes it clear that the child is being told to do something instead of being asked.  Also this type of command is clear that the child is expected to do the task not both parent and child.

What is a direct command


When is public, the counselor would recommend bribing the child because time out is not an option.

False:  When in public, the counselor would recommend the parent have a plan, explain the plan, and follow through with a make shift time out spot. 


The counselor will coach the parent to explain to their child the time out model after they begin to disobey

False:  The counselor begins PDI session one with the child only explaining special time now has rules- Mr. Bear is an option. 


"Put the cars in the box and close it, and put the box on the shelf"

What is an ineffective command with multiple parts.  Commands should be given one at a time. 


Parent places child on the chair.  Child begins to swear at the parent and spit towards the parent.  The parent's next step would be to take the child to the time out room. 

False- Parent would ignore the behavior as long as the child is sitting on the chair. 


True or False:  A good way to start a command is with the word please

True: starting with please ensures even tone of voice and often keeps command from becoming indirect


PCIT should only be delivered before or after other therapy modalities

PCIT can be delivered before, during, or after other therapy modalities.  


The counselor coaches the parent to begin PDI at home, using only play commands, after what criteria are met

Parent and child have had 2 or more PDI sessions successfully in the office


True or False:  an explanation of a command can only be given before the command

False:  an explanation should be giving before the command or after compliance.  explanations are not recommended in between the command given and compliance.


After 3 min in the time out chair, the parent would say this to the child.

What is  "You may get off the chair"  "Please hand me the red block"


True of False:  Commands should only be given when necessary

True: Too many commands will frustrate the child and make it hard for the parent to be consistent. 


PDI sessions look similar for ages 2-5 as they do for 6+

PDI session can be altered for the older child.


Counselor explains to parents graduation for PDI happens when the following is observed

What is   parents commands are 75% effective during 5 min of coding and 75% of follow through after effective command given. 
