These people participate in the creation of the "problem tree"?
Who are all stakeholders?
People who can change the direction of a project such as the government or the media are called
Who are influencers?
The term "ToC" refers to
Whta is theory of change?
LogFrame stands for what longer term
What is Logistics Framework?
The three constraits for planning
Whta is time, cost/money and scope?
This 5-part analysis identifies the cause- and-effect relationships including the root causes that create underlying problems
What are the 5 Whys?
People who will ensure the benefits of the project will continue after you have finished the work are called
Who are sustainers?
The first stage in creating a ToC is:
What is define a vision?
One of the vertical columns of a LogFrame
What is statements/indicators/means of verification/assumptions?
Preparing a final report is done during this phase
What is evaluation?
This stage identifies the central issue, summarize it in a few words and write it on the trunk of the tree
What is the first stage?
For a BEEM analysis “B” stands for
What is build?
The project strategy must follow the the cause-effect logic of the intervention This can be simplified to
What is if-then?
One of the horizontal rows of a LogFrame
What is impact/outcome/outputs/activities?
Keeping regular reports of activities is done in this phase
What is monitoring?
In SWOT analysis, the letter "S" stands for
What is strengths?
For a BEEM analysis “M” stands for
What is minimize/mitigate?
One benefit of ToC is
What is reveal what is important to monitor/open your logic to scrutiny/create space for other perspectives?
The vision section of a Theory of Change can match the ________ section of the Logistical Framework.
What is impact?
Context, Design, Approval and Preparation are part of this phase
What is planning?
In SWOT analysis, the letter "T" stands for
What are threats?
An analysis of the effects and strategies based on the main objective is known as
What is analysis of objectives?
The final stage of creating a ToC is
What is consider assumptions?
The pre-condition section of a Theory of Change can match the ________ section of the Logistical Framework.
What is outcomes?
The final stage of a project is referred to as
What is closure?