What PCR stands for
A sequence of DNA that is to be copied.
What is the target DNA?
Formula to calculate Tm
How to calculate how many copies of PCR product will be made at each cycle
What is 2n?
n = number of cycles
RNA is made into complementary DNA (cDNA) by this.
What is reverse transcriptase?
Type of technique that PCR is.
What is in vitro?
Denaturation --> annealing --> extension
What is the order of steps involved in PCR cycles?
Nucleotide triphosphate are added to the growing DNA strand during this phase.
What is extension?
Temperature needed for annealing.
What is 50-65 C?
What RT-PCR stands for
What is reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction?
Two methods for amplifying DNA or making copies.
What is cloning and PCR?
Taq polymerase is stable in high temperatures and only active in the presence of this.
What is MgCl2?
Formula to calculate annealing temperature.
What is Tm of primer - 5 to 8 degrees C?
Another name for annealing
What is hybridization?
Temperature needed for extension.
What is 72 C?
True or False: the products of the previous rounds are used as templates for the subsequent rounds.
True -- that's why it's called a chain reaction.
True or False: DNA polymerase builds a new DNA strain in the 3' to 5' direction.
False -- it's in the 5' to 3' direction.
Temperature needed for denaturation.
What is 95 C?
What is qualitatively?
RT-qPCR is utilized to _________ measure the amplification of DNA using fluorescent dyes.
What is quantitatively?
The three things that PCR needs in order to make multiple rounds of amplification of DNA.
What is the DNA template, specific primers, and the enzyme DNA polymerase?
SYBR green dye works by doing this.
What is incorporating into double strands?
RT-qPCR stands for
What is real time reverse transcription PCR?
Ideal temperature for Taq polymerase activity.
What is 72 C?
Annealing temperature depends on this.
What is the primer length and G-C content?