Find your seat!
What liquids are allowed in class?
When should you be on your phone in class?
Never, unless prompted to by Ms. Beltran
What should I do when Ms. Beltran gives an attention getter?
Stop conversations and listen.
How should I ask to use the bathroom?
Cross 2 fingers and wait for a head nod from Ms. Beltran.
Where should your cellphone be when entering the classroom?
Away in your backpack
Can I chew gum during class?
When prompted to do so by Ms. Beltran.
How should I treat others in class?
With respect and kindness!
How should I ask to get water?
Show a W to Ms. Beltran.
What materials should I bring to class?
A pencil!
Can I eat food during singing?
No. Food should be reserved for breaks and lunch. If you need an exception, come talk to Ms. Beltran.
What should headphones/airpods be during class?
In your backpack, unless requested to be out for an activity.
When Ms. Beltran is modeling (singing) how should I behave?
Watching and listening waiting for direction.
If it is an emergency what should I do?
Feel free to leave if it is a medical emergency, no need to ask permission.
What else should I bring to class?
A positive attitude.
How do I ask a question in class?
Raise my hand and wait to be called on.
At the end of class where should iPads go?
Plugged into the cart!
How should I act when others perform or sing?
Listen to them and be encouraging by not talking over them.
How should I travel in the hallways?
What should I do before leaving class at the end of the period?
Pick up any trash, return my binder to the shelf.
When should I sit or stand?
When prompted to do so.
How should I treat class technology?
Carefully and with respect.
What is a key value we should hold as a class?
Collaboration, hard work, being kind.
How should I return from brain break?
On time and quietly.