Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Medical Terms

Which vital sign would you report to the nurse?

P - 86 

BP - 160/98

T - 99.3 F

RR - 20

What is the BP - 160/98


Name one common sign that may indicate elder abuse in the workplace.

What are unexplained bruises or injuries, scratches, missing HAs/dentures, social withdrawal or isolation, lack of appropriate clothing or food, etc...


The types of precautions used to protect ourselves against Clostridium Difficile

What are contact precautions (with bleach)


What vessel is used for venipuncture.

What is a vein?


Please define hypokalemia using your prefixes/roots/suffixes.

What is a low potassium level in the blood. 


The young woman who lost her boyfriend of 7 years is not getting up in the morning, is skipping her meals with her friends, and is not taking care of herself. She is experiencing what stage of grief?

What is depression?


Name the organization responsible for workplace safety and injury prevention

What is the OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)


List the steps for donning and doffing PPE for a COVID-19 precaution room

What is

Donning - gown, mask/N95, goggles, gloves

Doffing - gloves, goggles, gown, mask/N95

When performing venipuncture the part of the needle must always remain facing up. 

What is the BEVEL.. BEVEL UP!


Please define ischemia using your prefixes/roots/suffixes.

Isch - to hold back or restrain

Hemia - blood 

What is the condition in which there is inadequate blood supply?


When transferring a non-weight bearing patient, what safety device must be used to get them from bed to wheelchair and vice versa? 

What is a mechanical lift?


Telling your family about the patient Mary Jones that you took care of today is violating the privacy laws written under whom?

HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act


Please name one safety guideline that facilities must follow in order to maintain compliance with the Joint Commission

What is using 2 pt identifiers, practicing hand hygiene, practicing infection control practices, emergency preparedness, alarm safety goals, fall prevention, etc


What two antiseptics can be used during a venipuncture

What are Isopropyl Alcohol/ Chlorhexidine


Please define bifurcation using your prefixes/roots/suffixes.

Bi - two, -furc- means fork or division, -ation means process, condition or state.

What is the division or splitting into to branches or forks?


Describe two primary strategies for preventing skin breakdown in patients, particularly those at risk.

What are regular repositioning (q 2hours) and the use of specialized pressure-relieving surfaces/devices, etc...


Please state 4 ways to prevent falls.

Non skid footwear, remove obstacles, regular walks, install grab bars, remove throw rugs, ensure good lighting, maintain good footwear, use assistive devices, maintain good hydration and nourishment, etc


Describe 4 specific tasks within the scope of practice for a Patient Care Technician (PCT) and explain the importance of each task in supporting patient care.

What are monitoring vital signs to assess the patient's physiological status, assisting with activities of daily living (ADLs) to promote patient comfort and well-being, and performing specimen collection for diagnostic testing to contribute to the patient's medical assessment and treatment?


Name 4 pieces of information that go on a specimen label

What are the pt full name, DOB, ID #, date/ time of collection, initials of who collected it


Please define oophoropathy using your prefixes/roots/suffixes.

"Oophoro-": referring to the ovary.

"-Pathy": disease or disorder.

What is the disease of the ovaries?


List the five rights of delegation in nursing, ensuring safe and effective patient care.

What are the Right Task, Right Circumstances, Right Person, Right Direction/Communication, and Right Supervision?


Please state the acronym needed for immediate action when there is a fire and the acronym to extinguish a fire. You must say what each letter stands for.

RACE - Rescue, Alarm, Confine, Extinguish

PASS - Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep


According to OSHA's Bloodborne Pathogen Standards, what is the primary purpose of the Exposure Control Plan, and what key elements should it include?

What is the primary purpose is to minimize or eliminate occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens, and key elements include the list of job classifications with potential exposure, methods of compliance, and procedures for evaluating and implementing safer medical devices?


Please list the steps for a basic venipuncture procedure.

What is Pt ID, gather supplies, prepare pt, apply tourniquet, cleanse the site, prepare the needle and tube, venipuncture, collect the blood, remove the needle, label and transport specimen


Please define paraplegia using your prefixes/roots/suffixes.

"Para-": meaning beside or near.

"-plegia": meaning paralysis.

What is paralysis of the lower half of the body?
