PD Call
PD Requests/Sales
Virtual PD
PD Service Team Introductions
On-site Coaching

The PD Call Notes template should be utilized by these people.

ANYONE leading a PD Call. PDS team or sales team member.

If there is no PD Call, the information in the PD Call Notes template still needs to be added to the PD request.


This is the title of the email template you send when you need approval to proceed with event logistics and no PO is on file.

No PO/Approval Needed


The name of the virtual PD session offered for grades 3-8.

Using Whiteboard Exchanges to Close Learning Gaps


PDPA is the acronym of this job title.

Professional Development Program Assistant/Associate


These two people are the Eureka Math coaching mentors.

Shaneka Bradford and Victoria Kaar


After the PD Call is over, you upload this to your PD request or to the sales opportunity in Salesforce. 

PD Call Notes


This is the step you take after receiving a non-GM contract from a school district when they cannot sign a GM contract/SoW.

Forward the district's contract to Courtney/Dawn, cc Amanda, for approval and signature


The facilitator conducts what 2-3 days prior to the virtual PD session. 

The Tech Test.


You would contact one of these people when first encountering difficulties in collecting a PO. Give the full job titles.

Account Representative or Account Solutions Manager


These are the first two steps after receiving a request (via email or PD Call) for on-site coaching. 

Add a placeholder row to Smartsheet.

Email designated PDIS rep using the email template.


A lesson from this grade level is used in the 3-5 Launch PhD Science session.

Fourth Grade

A document that usually combines a contract and quote and can include curriculum materials and PD services spanning over a period of time, typically one year or more.

Sales Agreement


The meeting information (Zoom link, etc.) is shared with the host via ______.

The Virtual PD event brief


The following people share this job acronym and title:

Kevin Barrett, Jessica Trahan, Tiffany Alewel, Amy Allen, Colleen Burns.

RSD, Regional Sales Director


This needs to be completed before giving the facilitator the green light to proceed with event logistics.

The PD Sales Process


On the initial PD Call, PDS should *NOT* discuss these items with customers until they have IS approval to do so.

Custom/non-standard PD offerings:

  • Pre-K customizations, P&C Diverse Learners, Module Studies, Foundational Math


The people you contact when you do NOT have the PO and signed SoW/Contract 4 weeks prior to the PD event AND you are not confident you will receive them 2 weeks prior to the PD event.

The regional sales director, sales representative, your supervisor, Amanda Heintz, and Julie Houston.


In this session, participants learn how to quickly analyze the formative data captured through these assessments, make immediate customizations to subsequent lessons, and practice scaffolding instruction to meet students’ needs.

Using Exit Tickets to Inform Instruction


RSSM is the acronym of this job title.

Regional Sales Solution Manager


The PDS rep should contact these people if you receive a Wit & Wisdom on-site coaching request.

Assigned Implementation Leads and Implementation Regional Directors 


In this instance, we would charge $5000 for a PhD Science session.

When a session has over 30 participants


If you receive a request for PD less than 4 in advance:

Alert  _________

Post in the ______ channel/add the event to ______ to see if you are able to proceed. 

If you do not receive the PO/contract within __ hours of the request, loop in RSD, sales representative, Amanda, and potentially Julie.

If you receive a request for PD less than 4 in advance:

Alert *your supervisor*

Post in the *staffing* channel/add the event to *Smartsheet* to see if you are able to proceed. 

If you do not receive the PO/contract within *48* hours of the request, loop in RSD, sales representative, Amanda, and potentially Julie.


A maximum of ___ participants would ideally be set up in a _____ configuration for a ____ minutes virtual session with ___ minutes of content time.

A maximum of *20* participants would ideally be set up in a *one to one* configuration for an *1 hour, 45* minutes virtual session with *90* minutes of content time.


IL's support which tiers of account, whilst IS's support a region.

Tier 1 and 2 accounts


The email subject line to PDIS team members for any email involving coaching should have this format.

District (School Name) – DATES – Email Topic
