What should you be doing on the playground when outside?
Moving around the playground observing the children playing.
True or False: Children's shoes should be taken off when going down for nap.
False: In the event of an emergency we cannot be fumbling with children's shoes. They need to remain on their feet at all times during the day. (Even if it means putting their shoes on 75K times!)
What does the button look like on tadpoles to do a name to face? (find it on the ipad)
Why do we move shelves out of the center of the room during nap time?
To make sure teachers have a clear line of sight to the children on their cots from all points of the room.
Spray bottles are to be placed on the _____ when exiting the classroom for the day.
Half wall after spraying down the classroom toys, tables, and chairs.
You see a broken toy on the playground do you:
A. Throw it away and say nothing
B. Throw it over the fence and pretend it went to Narnia
C. Tell management so it can be replaced
C. Tell management so it can be replaced
When should chairs be left away from the table all crazy?
True or False: I only need to do a name to face when we come in from outside.
False: you should be doing a name to face and multiple points on your way in and our of the building.
True or False: Having cellphones out are a licensing violation.
True: this is a supervision violation and can result in us being cited if seen by the state.
Our attention should be on the cherubs we teach not Tik Tok.
Name all 3 things that should be on your half wall at the end of the night.
1. Spray Bottles
2. iPad
3. Meal Count Folders
What should you do with the clipboard by the outside door?
A. Leave love notes on it
B. Sign in and out when going to and from outside
C. Use it as a portkey to the Wizarding World
B. Sign in and out when going to and from outside
- This should be done hand in hand with a name to face!
When should mopping be done in the classrooms?
When children are sleeping/on their cots for nap time. No other time is permitted unless there is a spill or pee spot.
Ms. Rachael did a name to face at 9:00am before breakfast, do I need to do one when I come in at 9:30am?
Yes, you should be doing one each time you enter a room to make sure that you have eyes on each of the children in your care.
If one teacher is changing diapers the other teacher in the room should be:
A. On her phone in the corner not paying attention
B. In the classroom with the children
C. In the diaper changing area too ... moral support
B. In the classroom with the children
We should not see both teachers in the changing area at the same time.
If you had incident/behavior/illness reports throughout the day, where should they be turned into after they have been signed by all respective parties?
Just kidding....
Placed in the organizer on the right corner of Tiff's desk so she can file them in the correct binders.
Quick! The pole is coming out of the playset!
True or False you should definitely shake your booty on it.
False! You need to remove the children from the area & call management ASAP!
Yes, you are technically leaving the classroom out of ratio.
You should be doing name to face between which period of the day?
A. Any movement into or out of the classroom
B. At naptime so it looks like I'm doing something and not day dreaming of Chicken Now or Chipotle
C. ONLY when licensing or corporate is in the building
A. Any movement into or out of the classroom
True or False: You cannot supervise the children if your back is to the classroom.
True: you should never have your back turned to the classroom, that is how incidents get missed.
At the end of the night, are chairs allowed to be stacked in any way?
No this is actually a licensing violation because they could fall on someone and cause injury.
True or False: You should let children throw wood chips around/at each other.
False! This is a safety hazard & then we will have to fish a wood chip out of someone's eye ball.
True or False: talking to your fellow teachers across the hallway or hanging over the half walls to talk to your friends is a supervision violation.
True: you are not supervising the children (we do not have eyes in the back of our head, as much as we like to tell them that) this will get us a huge violation.
True or False: Name to Face reports are checked every day.
True: Management checks N2F reports daily to make sure they are being completed throughout the day.
What is the allotted amount of technology time for ages 2+?
15 minutes a day.
The piece of paper that gets filled out when leaving a room for the night.