what is a cause of negative body images starting with s__
social media
what is the name for a diet where you do not eat meat or animal products?
vegan diet
which food group should you have the most serves of?
grains (7)
what is a cause of negative body image starting with b___ s___
beauty standards
what category are chips and lollies in? (starting with o__&f___)
0ils & fats
what is the deficiency of nutrients?
what is the percentage of women who have a negative body image?
what is the specific name for the meats rabbit, chicken, turkey
white meat
what is an ingredient in coke starting with c?
what are discretionary foods?
unhealthy foods e.g, chips, soft drinks
how many serves of vegetables should you eat? (RDI)
5 - 5.5
when was the RDI table made?
how many serves of milk,cheese and alternatives should you eat?