CQ 1: What does Health Mean to Individuals?
CQ 2: What influences the health of individuals?
CQ 3: What stragegies help to promote the health of the individual?
CQ 3 cont.
CQ 3 cont.
Name the 5 dimensions of health
Physical Cognitive Social Emotional Spiritual
What are the 4 key determinants of health?
Individual Sociocultural Socioeconomic Environmental
What is health promotion?
Health promotion is the process that enables people to improve or have greater control over their health.
What is a government initiative that helps promote health?
e.g Quit smoking campaigns
What actions are taken at a Primary prevention level in the PMA?
Name 3 aspects that can affect an individual's physical health.
Diet Exercise Injuries Diseases
What are the 3 sub headings that fall under the "Individual factors"?
Knowledge and skills Attitudes and values Genetics
Who is responsible for health promotion? (nb there are 5)
Individuals Community Groups/schools Governments Non Governments International Organisations
What are the 3 International Organisations that promote health?
What actions are taken at a Secondary prevention level in the PMA?
For populations at higher risk. Aim at catching the health issue and stopping it or slowing the spread. e.g. pap smears, mammograms, monitoring blood pressure etc
Describe what "Relative" Health means.
Relative health refers to how we judge our health compared to other people or other points of time in our life.
What are the 4 life stages that have been studied when explaining the changing influence of determinants through life stages?
Mothers and babies Children and young people Working age adults older people
How do individuals who work in the health sector help promote health?
Increase awareness of health risks by providing information, develop skills.
What does the WHO do to promote health?
Provides leadership on global health issues, helps countries address public health concerns, monitors disease outbreaks, assesses the performance of health systems.
What actions are taken at a Tertiary prevention level in the PMA?
Treatment of illness or injury o9nce it has been diagnosed. E.g asthma treatment plan or rehabilitation after injury in a car accident

What does it mean for health to be "socially constructed"?

Perceptions of health as social constructs requires you to understand that the various understandings and different meanings people have or attribute to health are mostly created by their society. That is, our understanding and interpretation of health is created and developed by our society.

Name 1 cause and effect of living in a rural area.
Eg. Cause: Sense of isolation and difficulties finding support Effect: May contribute to poor mental health and depression
What are two practices schools do to promote good health practices among young people.
e.g. sun safety policies etc
What is the lifestyle and behavioural approach to health promotion.
This is based on the premise that the major causes of morbidity and mortality in Australia are diseases resulting from poor lifestyle behaviour choices. It assumes that the provision of relevant information and skills will enable people to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
What are the 5 action areas of the Ottawa Charter?
Developing Personal Skills Creating Supportive Environments Strengthening Community Actions Reorienting Health Services Building Health Public Policies
Identify 5 health problems that are a concern for young people.
Mental health problems Motor Vehicle accidents Diabetes STI's Obesity

Give an example of how 2 determinants can have an interrelationship

Viewers choice if correct

Name 2 non government organisations that assist in promoting health. For an extra 100 points explain what the organisation does.
e.g. national heart foundation
What is the Preventative Medical Approach?
This approach focuses on disease prevention and the treatment of illness.
What is Social Justice?
Social justice is concerned with ensuring that every Australian lives free from discrimination and has the means to make choices about how they live. For example, social justice refers to everyone being able to live in a home with an adequate water supply, cooking facilities and sanitation