How many Dwarf Planets are there?
5 Dwarf Planets
How many planets orbit the Sun?
8 planets.
True or false: Is Saturn the sixth planet from the Sun?
Is Mars a Terrestrial planet?
How many Moons are there on earth?
1 moon.
When was Pluto classified as a Dwarf Planet?
What is the Sun made out of?
Hot Hydrogen and Helium Gases.
True or False: Is Saturn the third largest Planet?
True or false? Mars Is the 4th planet from the sun?
Is it true Mercury and Venus have no Moons.
When was Ceres discovered?
How many Earths could fit inside of the Sun?
One million Earths.
Why is Saturn called the Jewel of the solar system?
Because of its beautiful rings.
What is Mars atmosphere made out of?
Carbon Dioxide
How many Moons are there in the Solar System?
How many Earth years does it take for Eris to make one Orbit?
560 years
How many miles is the Sun away from Earth?
93 million miles.
What is Saturn's atmosphere made out of.
Hydrogen and helium gases.
Where on Mars does ice exist?
It exists at its poles.
What does the Earth's Moon regulate.
Ocean Tides
What 2 Planets does Ceres Orbit between.
It Orbits between Mars and Jupiter
What is the temperature of the Sun?
10,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
What is the wind speed at Saturn's equator.
1,100 miles per hour.
Mars is the planet most similar to Earth. Give me a few reasons why.
The answer is because its axis is tilted like Earth and Mars has seasons like Earth. It also has volcanoes, mountains and storms.
What are the names of the two Moons for Mars?
Deimos and Phobos.