What is the 2025 Sales Strategy
Conversion and development of mid-volume accounts.
What are three things to offer HCPs to continue their education about our products?
Derm to Derm, MSL Intro, Speaker program, Off site EDU program, MIRF
How can you find out if their being “underpaid” and if they are, name 2 reasons that may be happening
Ask for an EOB
They entered a wrong code, their own contract, sequester
Depending on the plan, a PA may receive 15 -20% lower
Name three supplies that should be in treatment room
Ameluz, alcohol, gauze, goggles, gloves, patient brochures, hats
What year did Ameluz launch in the US?
Photosensitizer, light source, oxygen
What is the difference between and SCC and iSCC and what can happen if an iSCC develops
SCC migrates up to the surface of the skin, iSCC migrates down into the dermis. It can metastasize to other organs in the body
What are the three CPT codes and describe what each means
96567- staff performs treatment start-to-finish; 96573 - physician or qualified health care practitioner applies med and turns on lamp; 96574- physician or qualified HCP debrides at least one lesion and applies med
When an account complains that they don’t have room to store their Ameluz tubes, what can you suggest?
Take tubes out of box
What is the ASP for Ameluz
Where in Germany was Biofrontera founded?
Leverkusen, Germany
Ameluz is a ____
Protoporphyrin is a ____
A terms agreement- name 3 benefits to the office.
Can help manage cash and inventory flow
Adjusts the amount of time to pay an invoice
Billers have time to submit claims. They can have paid reimbursement before paying their invoice
They can place bigger orders to take advantage of our volume discounts
Name 3 benefits to a shorter incubation time?
Turn room quicker, treat more patients a day/week
Decrease the length of time patients wait to get on the PDT schedule
Gives precious time back to patients and staff
When was Ameluz approved in the EU
During live training, what can be done if after incubation, their lamp does not turn on?
Call MSL so they can give the office suggestions. Call Darrell, have customer service contact MERA for repairs
In sales aid, what % of pts did not adhere to treatment lasting 6 -12 weeks
Name 3 additional services/resources you can offer at no extra cost
Why is it important to find out how often they submit claims?
If they wait too long, it might seem to the office that they are having reimbursement issues. They need to see a continuous flow
For an order of 100 tubes, what is the cost per tube?
How many kids does Darrell have?
What percent of SCCs began as AKs?
Name two suggestions to give an office needing help with their inventory management.
1. Ordering cycle/timing discussion (when to place orders)
2. Offer AFP
3. Assign someone to monitor inventory and alert TM when order gets down to an agreed upon amount
To make the PDT process more efficient in an office, what can you suggest?
Set schedule, designated rooms, designated staff, have the room set up properly
What does Ameluz mean in Latin?
Love of light