What are Edgar Schein's three cultural aspects?
Visible - artifact
invisible - Values
- assumptions
Why are policy and protocol written down in the workplace?
if it is not, then it does not apply and is not enforcable.
What are the five levels of regulation in Canada
three governments (Federal, provincial, municipal)
self imposed
What are some of the elements that are needed in the formatting of your final report?
Title page
table of contents
citations and bibliography using APA
Calibri 11 points with 1.15 spacing
What is one thing that you can do in order to reduce culture shock?
learn the language, or engage in the culture
What is Edward T. Hall's theory of high and low context cultures
High context, is more group orientated and more productive collectively. It develops form more mature cultures that have had l time to progress.
Low context is individualistic and less productive for the whole
Why is building rapport in job search, so important in Canada?
80% of the job market is "hidden" and only accessible through networking
Why do Canadians favour union jobs?
higher wages
35% more women are union
30% all workers
less chance of exploitation
What is the purpose of the three projects in this course?
to learn how to deal with different culture while working in Canada
What is the concept that states Alcohol Anonymous (AA) is only affective while you are going? There is only a 6% chance of quitting either with or without AA
External locus of control
There are only three noticeable Geert Hofstede's domains differences between Canada and the United Kingdom. What are they?
Masculinity (C52, UK66)
Uncertainty Avoidance (C48, UK35)
Long term (C36, UK51)
What were the three main areas for setting work place protocol?
avoiding conflict
improving the work environment
Why is affirmative action used in Canada?
to offset a disadvantage to a previously oppressed population
When looking at cultural differences in the first written project. Your teacher might have commented that clothing is not a major factor in cultural differences. why
Most cultures have adopted similar forms of clothing, and this transends this form of culture.
What are the three perspectives of measuring workplace conflict in?
human relations
What are the four value systems that we are looking for in individual values at work?
What are Mark S. Schwartz's six ethical standards for Canada?
What are the five stages of conflict progression?
fines for
walking nude in your house
feeding birds or
chewing gum
How are ethics in a society formed?
memes and mores result in acceptable protocol and procedure. And this in turn sets cultural norms and organizational culture. Etiquette and precedent leads to acceptable ethics for the culture. It is the basis for "mens rea" as shown in the court system.
What are the four sections of the Johari's window
Open (known to both yourself and others)
hidden (known to yourself but not others)
blind (known to others but not yourself)
Unknown (not know to yourself or others)
what are the five elements of active listening
Full Listening
Deep Listening
Reflective listening
Sympathetic listening
Facilitative Listening
What are the five most common types of workplace conflict?
What do you need to do in your last presentation for your final project?
Explain the legal, ethical, and cultural aspects of the case study to those that have not read it. Explain the transgressions and how it was rectified (if it was).
What is the Thomas Kilmann Instrument?
Five distinct conflict management styles which vary in cooperation and assertiveness