How many teeth are in an average adult mouth? Within 4.
The backstroke is one style to this sport or activity.
What has the thickest fur of all the mammals?
Sea Otter
In which direction does the sun rise?
What is the largest bone in the human body?
How many times is each team allowed to hit the ball before it must go over the net in volleyball?
In tennis, this word is used to represent a score of zero
What is Love
Where is the only place on their body that dogs have sweat glands?
Where is the tallest mountain in our solar system?
Bonus: Name the mountain
Olympus Mons
What is the rarest blood type in humans?
AB Negative. Less than 1% of humans.
Don't get caught stealing someone's key from their hula-hoop in this tag game.
Home Alone
This is the most popular sport in Canada, Finland, and Norway
What is the closest living relative to the T-Rex?
This NFL team has more wins than any other in history.
Green Bay Packers
This is the hardest material in the human body
Tooth Enamel
If you step off of your equipment, your team must restart. If you make it to the finish, I'll take one piece of equipment.
Peanut Butter River
This sport features Chasers, Bludgers and Seekers, and is played in real life in more than 39 countries
What do you call a group of Crows?
A Murder
At what temperature does water boil? (Fahrenheit)
This is the largest organ of the human body
This game was originally called the 'Creator's Game' and is now the national sport of Canada. It uses a stick, ball, and goals.
Which team is always first in the parade of nations for the Olympics?
What is the fastest sea animal?
Your teacher is this many years old.
All answers are correct