Whta game do we always want to play?
Aspects of the game we enjoy
Strategies and tactics
We have short attention spans and need to stay engaged some how so give us some more.....
What sport do we always request?
Basketball, Volleyball, Football
What do we like to learn about the body?
What are some ways we can make our students more autonomous?
Encourage student led or student choice based mahi in your class
Why do we like PE?
Working together with our friends
What skill do we like learning about?
Growth mindset, teamwork and/or resilience
What makes me value PE more?
What do we want more of?
Outdoor adventure based activities
What is something new we want to learn?
Team-orientated activities that foster collaboratioon
What do we want to build or develop?
confidence and fitness skills
What do students have a strong interest in trying out
THE ROCK CLIMBING WALL and outdoor challenges
What do we not enjoy the most about PE
Writing / booklet