Choose the correct sentence:
How are you? / How are you!
How are you?
What can you do at the fair?
ride in a car
ride in a chair
win a prize
have a good stare (look at a mirror)
Say this word - square
This is a big brown animal that eats fish. It has big claws. What is it?
a bear
Choose the correct sentence:
I am angry? / I am angry!
I am angry!
What is the name of the story?
Come to the Fair
Say these words - clear, stare
clear, stare
When this is too long it has to be cut. It's on your head. What is it?
Choose the correct sentence:
No, I don't like pizza? / No, I don't like pizza!
No, I don't like pizza!
What can you win at the fair?
a fairy, a bear
Read this sentence - I stare at the square yellow chair.
I stare at the square yellow chair.
When you look at something / someone for a long time.
Choose the correct sentence:
Where do you live? / Where do you live!
Where do you live?
What is scary at the fair?
a white ghost
Read this sentence - The big brown bear eats a green pear.
The big brown bear eats a green pear.
This is a fruit. It can be many different colours. What is it?
a pear