Income Equality
Climate Change
Human Rights

This is the name given to someone who objects to serving in the armed services on the basis of their personal conviction to peaceful coexistence.

What is a conscientious objector?


This federal program taxes wages in order to keep funds in federal trust programs to be paid to retired individuals, disabled individuals, or survivors.

What is Social Security?


This movement emerged in 2013 after George Zimmerman was acquitted of murdering Trayvon Martin.

What is Black Lives Matter?


This greenhouse gas, primarily produced by burning fossil fuels, is a major contributor to global warming.

What is carbon dioxide (CO2)?


American citizens have the opportunity to exercise this right on the first Tuesday in November.

What is the right to vote?


This American boxer refused to be drafted and fight in the Vietnam War.

Who is Muhammad Ali?


This 2010 reform law seeks to increase health insurance coverage and make it more affordable.

What is the Affordable Care Act?


This effort would compensate Black Americans for the racial wealth gap that was caused by slavery and discrimination.

What are reparations?


This government agency, created in 1970, is charged with working to ensure that Americans have clean air, land and water.

What is the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)?


This is the leading cause of death for children and teens in the United States.

What is gun violence?


This is the refusal to obey a government or occupying power as a form of peaceful protest and can include sit-ins and blockades.

What is civil disobedience?


The Inflation Reduction Act provided $80 billion in additional funding to this government agency to enforce tax compliance by the wealthiest tax evaders.

What is the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)?


This phrase, popularized by author Michelle Alexander, is used to describe racist policies that lead to disproportionate numbers of Black people being incarcerated in prisons throughout the United States.

What is the New Jim Crow?


This greenhouse gas is released by decaying garbage as well as the belching of cows and other sources.

What is methane?


This program was created to protect eligible young adults who were brought to the U.S. as children from deportation.

What is Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (“DACA”)?


This justice theory understands justice as a repair of harm and promotes understanding and healing.

What is Restorative Justice?


The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development oversees this affordable housing program.

What is Section 8?


This ideology believes in an America founded on conservative Christian values and combats threats from people who are not white or Christian as well as immigrants.

What is white Christian nationalism?


This is a swirling area in the North Pacific Ocean, about twice the size of Texas, between Hawaii and California, containing a high concentration of floating plastic waste and debris.

What is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?


This form of execution is the most common in the United States.

What is lethal injection?


This act of civil disobedience challenged British law that taxed Indian salt and the law that forbade the production of salt by Indians.

What is the Salt March?


This massive piece of legislation (over 900 pages) is re-examined roughly every five years and contains laws that cover agriculture, domestic and foreign food aid and more.

What is the Farm Bill?


This is the unwritten system in education in which Black students are more harshly disciplined by law enforcement at a young age than white students which sets them up for future incarceration.

What is the “school-to-prison pipeline”?


This is a word used to describe small plastic particles less than five millimeters long that come from the degradation of plastics and synthetic fibers that pose major emerging threat to the ecosystems due to their potential adverse effects.

What are “microplastics”?


This set of rights in the United States includes the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney upon being arrested.

What are the “Miranda rights”?
