Income Equality
Climate Change
Human Rights

This is when two warring parties agree to a temporary halt of fighting so that peace talks can take place.

What is a ceasefire?


Supported by local taxes, this basic human right provided to children and youth varies in quality depending on the wealth of communities.

What is education?


This US conflict began in 1861, after decades of tensions between northern and southern states over slavery, states’ rights and westward expansion.

What was the Civil War?


This renewable energy source harnesses the power of the sun to generate electricity.

What is solar energy?


This country has openly admitted to interfering with U.S. elections.

What is Russia?


This Indian leader is renowned for his philosophy of nonviolent resistance, which played a crucial role in India's struggle for independence.

Who is Mahatma Gandhi?


While the typical worker’s salary has risen by 15%, the compensation for these individuals has increased by over 1,209% over the last 45 years.

What is a CEO?


This ideology argues, “I don’t see color,” but it dismisses people of color’s experiences and shuts down conversations about racism.

What is colorblindness?


Contrary to popular belief, this ubiquitous substance that we use every day is more costly and energy-intensive to recycle than to manufacture new.

What is plastic?


After sex trafficking, this is the most common form of human trafficking in the world.

What is labor trafficking?


This response to oppression has been proven to be twice as effective as armed resistance.

What is nonviolent resistance?


This is the minimum income a person needs to earn to meet the basic needs of themselves and/or their family.

What are living wages?


In 2023, the Vatican renounced this policy that Europeans used to seize the land and possessions of non-Christians.

What is the Doctrine of Discovery?


One major benefit of alternative energy is that it reduces these harmful emissions, helping to mitigate climate change.

What are greenhouse gas emissions?


This document, signed in 1948 at the conclusion of WW2, set out, for the first time, fundamental human rights to be universally protected.

What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?


This technique seeks to defuse tension and lower emotional charge so that people can find solutions to conflict without it becoming violent.

What is de-escalation?


This would levy a 20% minimum income tax on the wealthiest taxpayers.

What is the billionaires income tax?


Several states have outlawed these policies used in universities and companies that help ensure equal opportunities, representation, and fair treatment for individuals who have historically been underrepresented or subject to discrimination.

What is DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion)?


Mining for this element, essential to making rechargeable batteries for cell phones and other devices, has become a flashpoint on the African continent.

What is lithium?


This country is often cited as having the highest number of human trafficking victims worldwide.

What is India?


Often used in schools, this restorative practice involves a group discussion where participants sit in the round to share their perspectives and resolve conflicts.

What is a restorative circle?


This is the name commonly used for legislation introduced by President Johnson in 1964 to address the national poverty rate.

What is the war on poverty?


This form of discrimination is indirect, subtle, or unintentional.

What are micro-aggressions?


This deeply flawed process captures and liquifies carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, transports it through hundreds of miles of above and below ground pipelines and stores it underground.

What is carbon sequestration?


This group of over a million Muslims in northwest China are subjected to detention, torture, forced labor, religious restrictions, and forced sterilization.

Who are the Uyghurs?
