What is the lowest asin on asin progession chart?
What is the EAN?
This leader can wiggle their ears?
Who is Evan?
Who is the Inbound senior?
Who is Dan Sheppard?
What is a Christmas Story?
What does PPE stand for?
What is Personal Protective Equipment?
What were the first items Amazon sold?
What are books?
This leader has hung out with Snoop Dogg
Who is Courtney?
What month and year did the building open?
What is September of 2021?
How many days is Kwanzaa celebrated?
What is 7 days?
How many cages and carts can be pushed at a time?
What is 1?
What does a purple border around your badge represent?
What is 15 years tenure?
This leader is a yellow belt in karate?
Who is Bri?
How many items are currently inside the building? (group closest wins)
What is 2.3 million items?
What are the only two days that the FC is closed?
What is Christmas & New Years Day?
What is the max weight for a cage?
What is 500lbs?
What does the Amazon smile represent?
This leader has never broken a bone in their body
Who is Erykah?
Name the entire inbound salary leadership DAYS team
Who is Evan, Erykah, Bri, Reina, Kim, Posey, Chris?
What are Amazon paid Holidays?(there are 7)
What are New Years Day, MLK Jr Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day?
How many recordable injuries have we had in receive year to date?
What is 0?
How many square feet is LIT2?
What is 200,000+ square ft ?
Name that movie: "Only a wimp would be hiding under a bed. And I can’t be a wimp. I’m the man of the house"
What is Home Alone?
Name that movie: "One man's toxic sludge is another man's potpourri. "
What is the Grinch?
Name that movie: "Cotton-headed ninny-muggins"
What is ELF?
What are the 5s's ?
What is/are Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize, Sustain?