Force and mass determine acceleration
Force and mass determine acceleration
Forces act in pairs
Forces act in pairs
Random questions

What is the formula for Newton's 2nd law?



How can an object increase or decrease its acceleration without changing its speed?

Change direction/ turn


If a reaction force is exerting 5N, what will the reaction force be?



When I measure the mass of an object, I am also measuring what other property of the object?



Rearrange the equation F=ma to be able to calculate acceleration



What is the unit for force?

N - Newtons


What force keeps objects moving in a circle?

Centripetal force


How much force do I need to apply to get a mass of 100kg to accelerate to 10m/s2?

1000N, or 1 kN


What would happen if the ground you are standing on didn't exert a force back?

You would sink into the ground


My rocket has a mass of 1000kg. I want to accelerate it to 10m/s2. How much force will my engines need to produce?

10,000 Newtons


What happens to the acceleration of an object if it turns?

Acceleration will increase


What is the acceleration of an object dependent upon?

A) The mass and the amount of time

B) The size of the force applied and the amount of time

C) The size of the force applied and the mass

D) The size of the force applied and the speed

C) The size of the force applied and the mass


What is the difference between balanced forces and an action/reaction force pair?

Balanced forces are only exerted on a single object.


What is true of a jellyfish moving through water?

A) It exerts a downward force on the water to move upwards

B) It exerts and upward force on the water to move upwards

C) It asks the water politely to move it upwards

D) Jellyfish don't move

A) It exerts a downward force on the water to move upwards


Define inertia

An objects ability to resist a change in motion. As mass increases, so does an objects inertia.


A rocket is heading into space. It's engines continue to output at the same force, but as it travels it is burning fuel which results in a decrease in mass. What happens to the rocket's acceleration?

Acceleration will increase


I am pushing two shopping carts. One cart (A) has half the mass of the other cart (B). What is true of cart B? 

A) It will have more acceleration

B) It will have less acceleration

C) They will have the same acceleration

D) Mr. Phillip will get tired and give up on cart B

B) It will have less acceleration


What will you be able to predict if you know the forces acting on an object?

How the objects motion will change


Which is NOT a way in which Newton's three laws can help you win a boat race?

A) They can help you determine which boat has the best acceleration

B) They can help you determine the force needed to make the boat start moving

C) They can help you predict how strong the water current will be

D) They can determine the direction you need to push the paddle in order to move forward

C) They can help you predict how strong the water current will be


When I am walking to the bathroom in the middle of the night and bash my foot into the doorframe, why does it hurt?

The doorframe applies an equal and opposite force back to my foot


 According to Newton’s 2nd law, what must happen in order for acceleration to be increased? There are two possible answers, give both.

Decrease in mass

Increase in force


State Newton's 2nd law. 

The acceleration of an object increases with increased force and decreases with increased mass. The direction in which an object accelerates is the same as the direction of the force.


Two people are having a tug of war. They are both exerting the same force on the rope, and so neither of them are moving. What is this an example of?

Balanced forces


State Newton's third law.

Every time one object exerts a force on another, the second object exerts a force that is equal in size and opposite in direction back.

Each and every action has an equal and opposite reaction


What country was Sir Isaac Newton from?

England, born in 1643
