What part of a Neuron sends messages to other cells?
What is an axon?
What does BAC stand for? How do they measure it?
Blood Alcohol concentration. Breathylyzer
What year was the birth of the modern foster care system?
48 hours
Why did Ellen Degeneres' show come to an end?
toxic workplace conditions
commonly referred to as the "thinking center" of the brain
The enneagram does...
explains tendencies and habits
Acknowledges strengths and weaknesses
when was the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) signed
An example of common mental health warning signs are...
Losing interest in activities that they used to enjoy, having low energy, having difficulty sleeping or eating, spending more time alone and avoid social activities, excessively exercising, dieting, and/or binge eating, harming themselves (e.g., burning or cutting their skin), using alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs, Engaging in risky or destructive behavior, Having thoughts of suicide, thinking their mind is being controlled or is out of control or hearing things other people cannot hear
What is intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation?
Intrinsic motivation comes from within, while extrinsic motivation arises from external factors.
what happened in the Trayvon Martin & George Zimmerman case?
Zimmerman was Acquitted, his gun was sold for 250,000
___ % of prisoners are black
How many people in the US are affected by sickle cell?
The Animal Welfare Act is enforced by…
USDA (United States Department of Agriculture)
APHIS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service)
What are GMOs?
a Genetically modified organism
Per mile driven teen drivers(16-19) are ____
times more likely to have a fatal crash
The first amendment covers what five basic rights?
Press, Petition, Assembly, Religion, Speech
___ in every ___ black men killed by police
What are the five branches of philosophy?
Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, Aesthetics, Logic
How many kids are in the foster care system(approx)
How much does Jimmy Fallon make a year
16 million
who is Harvey Weinstein? What happened with him in the #metoo movement?
American film producer. Many actresses came forward saying that he had sexually harassed them
What are the five love languages?
2. Acts of Service
3. Words of Affirmation
4. Quality Time
5. Physical Touch
?/? amount of kids who age out of the foster care system develop a substance abuse disorder
____ percent of adolescents have had a mental
health disorder at some point in their lives