How long is a Saltasaurus?
25 feet long
I am an amphibian.
I am also called a waterdog.
In which habitat do the animals have blubber, a layer of fat that keeps them warm.
Polar Animals
I can have as many as 25,000 feathers.
Puffer fish can puff up to how many times its size?
Two or three times
I am a bird of prey.
I have a hooked bill that helps me tear apart my food.
In which habitat are there millions of kinds of animals.
Ocean Animals
I use gills to breathe.
What do hammerhead sharks eat?
Stingrays, squid, other sharks
I am an invertebrate.
I have blue-green blood.
In which habitat do animals sleep during the day. They wake up at night.
I trap prey in my web.
How many eyes do cicadas have?
I am a farm animal.
My mother is a horse and my father is a donkey.
In which habitat do many animals need trees for food?
Rain Forest Animals
I have dry, scaly skin.
How long can a moose live in the wild?
15-25 years
I am a reptile.
I am a snake.
I am the most common snake in North America.
Garter Snakes
In which habitat are the animals grazers, nesters, burrowers, and hunters?
Grassland Animals
I do not have a backbone.