Children Over 6
Contact Log

What does pending mean in ABMS?

The child is under the age of 6.


What are the 2 qualifications for a child who is 14 to be eligible for PEBT?

To be enrolled into the school year of 2020-201 & to enroll in free or price-reduced lunches in the school.


Name 3 tabs that should always be open.

ABMS, Amazon Connect, Tech Tracker, ECD, CU6, & CEP


If you transfer a call do you have to add that to your notes?

No, you do not, there is a dropdown tab for where you transferred the caller. 


How would you ask for assistance in the live chat?

The student's first and last name including the date of birth.

"Can someone help me find John Doe 01/01/2000"


If you can not sign into AMBS what could possibly be the issue?

VPN is down. 


Hi my son goes to Frank Love Elementary he attended the whole school year but did he was not enrolled in the free/price reduced lunch does he qualify?

YES, he would not receive all the levels of the benefits but he would still receive the summer PEBT of $375 and that's it.


How would you post to the tech tracker?

Name, date, pst time, case, (ABMS, VPN, Chrome, etc), Area, Notes.


Is it important to add many details to your notes? or is the shorter the better?

The more notes the better! Make sure you add everything! 


How would you post a dropped call in the chat?

The caller's name, phone number, case number, student name, any information in regards to the call.

Jane Doe - 000-000-0000 - 10010010 - John Doe Jr - call dropped - the caller wanted a new card. 


My son never received the summer PEBT of $375. Were do you check to see if the caller is telling the truth or not? 



Is there a deadline for PEBT? If there is not a deadline how do I sign my child up? He attended Hilltop Elementary and he was enrolled in free/price reduced lunches. But I did not receive a letter or a card in the mail would he still qualify?

Probe! Probe! Probe! Make sure he attended the school for 2020-2021 and not the 2021-2022 school year. 


If you search for a caller card in ECD and the card does not show up was the card ever sent out?

No, if the address was not in ECD then the card was never sent out. 


Why should you have your own contact log?

To keep all your saved notes for history.


What can you post in a social chat?

Good morning/night, recipes, games, random chats, etc


Can you look a child's information who is under the age of 6 in ABMS?

Yes & no! You can find their name, DOB, client ID, address but any other information will be in CU6.


John doe believes that his son qualifies for the program. He states that his son attended clear lake elementary for the whole SY of 2020-2021 BUT he does not remember if his son was enrolled in the free or priced/reduced lunches. What Should John do?

First, you would gather all of the student information (Name/last name, DOB) check ABMS to see if the student is in the system. If the student is not in the system then most likely the child does not qualify. BUT you can advise John to call the school to see if the student was enrolled. If the child was enrolled then John would call back & you would make a call review for the caller. 


How many mins do you have to submit your contact log, BRG, etc on Amazon connect?

3 minutes.


How long do you have to submit a contact log?

You have 30 minutes to submit a contact log. 


How do you post a case review in the chat?

Escalation Channel and Case Review Approvals.


Jane's card is missing for her daughter however Jane just moved and needs to upload the new address to her daughter's profile. Do you issue a new card for Jane doe or do you send her to FIS?

You issue a new card because the address needs to be updated.


You have an angry caller on the line who needs to speak with a manager right now! This is the 5th time of her calling in regards to not having her card what do you do?

Try to de escalation the call as much as you can because once they know that they are going to have to wait 24-48 hours to speak with a team member they will be even more upset. Try to ensure the call that everything will be ok & that you can issue the caller a new card. 


If a caller does not know the county that they live in how would you find the county?


If your contact log is not loading what should you do?

Keep trying! Also, log that you are having a hard time submitting a contact log into the tech tracker. 


How long does it take for a manager to contact a caller?

24/48 hours
