Pediatric Cardiac
Pediatric Respiratory
Pediatric GI

This pediatric congenital heart defect is characterized by a hole between the left and right ventricle (left to right shunting), loud hard murmur auscultated at the left sternal border and can result in heart in heart failure.

What is ventricular septal defect (VSD)?


This respiratory condition is a medical emergency.  Predictive signs include absence of cough, drooling and agitation.  Additional findings include:  inspiratory stridor, dysphonia, and tripoding. Nursing care should focus on protecting airway.  Avoidance of throat culture or use of tongue blade is imperative. 

What is epiglottitis? 


Expected findings with this condition include an olive shaped mass in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, possible peristaltic wave that moves from left to right when lying supine and projectile vomiting that often occurs following feeding. 

What is pyloric stenosis? 


This pain rating scale is also known as the pieces of hurt tool and is a self reporting pain assessment tool that uses four red poker chips to quantify the child's level of pain.

What is the poker chip tool?


Precautions should be used with this vaccine if the patient has had an anaphylactic reaction to eggs, gelatin, or neomycin. 

What is MMR?


The pediatric congenital heart defect is characterized as a condition in which the normal fetal circulation conduit between the pulmonary artery and the aorta fails to close and results in increased pulmonary blood flow (left to right shunt).  If present, symptoms can include machine like murmur, wide pulse pressure, and bounding pulses.  Nonsurgical treatment of this condition includes administration of indomethacin. 

What is patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)?


This chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways results in intermittent and reversible airway obstruction of the bronchioles.  This obstruction occurs either by inflammation or airway hyper-responsiveness.  Client education includes avoidance of triggers and proper use of medications such as albuterol for acute episodes. 

What is asthma? 


This GI condition is characterized by the proximal segment of the bowel telescoping into a more distal segment and resulting in lymphatic and venous obstruction causing edema in the area.  Surgery may be required for recurring episodes.  

What is intussusception? 


This pain rating scale is a self-report tool that is typically used in children ages 3-8 years of age.  The scale consists of  6 illustrations of faces arranged horizontally with expressions ranging from "No hurt" to "crying"

What is the FACES pain rating scale?


This cranial nerve identifies smell through each nostril individually.

What is CN I? 


This pediatric congenital heart defect includes four defects that result in mixed blood flow.  Cyanosis is present at birth and is progressive over the first year of life.  Presentation also includes a systolic murmur and episodes of acute cyanosis and hypoxia.

What is Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF)?


This condition is a respiratory disorder that results from a mutated gene.  It is characterized by mucus glands that secrete an increase in the quantity of thick, tenacious mucus which leads to mechanical obstruction of the organs.  Diagnosis can be made by a sweat chloride test. Treatments include the use of pancreatic enzymes, respiratory aerosol treatments and the use of CPT.  

What is Cystic Fibrosis (CF)? 


This GI condition is characterized by right lower abdominal pain, rigid abdomen, decreased or absent bowel sounds, fever, and possible vomiting.  With progression of this condition pain becomes localized at McBurney's point. Nursing care focuses on preparation for surgery and avoiding the application of heat to the abdomen and avoiding the use of enemas and laxatives. 

What is appendicitis? 


Similar to the FACES pain rating scale this tool uses facial expressions to indicate the increasing degrees of hurt.  The photos are arranged vertically and instead of no hurt the picture is alongside the pain level from 0 to 10.  

What is the oucher pain rating scale? 


This infant reflex is elicited by stoking the outer edge of the sole of an infant's foot up toward the toes.  The infant's toes fan upward and out. 

What is babinski reflex? 


This inflammatory disease occurs as a reaction to Group A beta hemolytic streptococcus infection in the throat.  Usually occurs 2 to 6 weeks following untreated or partially treated upper respiratory infection (strep throat).   Diagnosis of this disease is made using the Jones Criteria

What is Rheumatic Fever? 


Respiratory condition caused mainly by RSV.  Usually effects bronchi and bronchioles and occurs at the bronchiolar level.  Expected findings include: rhinorrhea, fever, tachypnea, coughing, retractions, apneic spells and cyanosis.  Lab testing can include ELISA for RSV antigen detection.  

What is bronchiolitis? 


This GI condition is known as congenital aganglionic megacolon.  It is a structural anomaly of the GI tract that results in decreased motility and mechanical obstruction.  Expected findings can include:  Failure to pass meconium in 24 to 48 hours after birth, episodes of diarrhea and vomiting, and foul smelling ribbon-like stools.  

What is hirschsprung's disease? 


This type of pain refers to pain that develops in the tissues.

What is somatic pain?


This age level of child is in Erickson's industry versus inferiority.  

What is school-age children? 


A hallmark of this acute systemic vasculitis is a strawberry tongue with white coating or red bumps in the posterior aspect.

What is kawasaki disease? 


Client education with this condition include replacing their toothbrush after 24 hours of antibiotic therapy to prevent reinfection.  

What is streptococcal pharyngitis? 


A complication resulting from failure of the omphalomesenteric duct to fuse during embryonic development.  Expected findings include:  rectal bleeding (usually painless), abdominal pain, and bloody mucus stools. 

What is meckel's diverticulum? 


This type of pain is due to the malfunctioning of the peripheral and central nervous system.

What is neuropathic pain? 


The behavioral response of separation anxiety that involves screaming, clinging to parents, verbal, and physical aggression toward strangers. 

What is protest? 
