A newborn's head movement is characterized by these two features
What are brief moments of lifting the head and head lag with pull to sit?
This genetic disorder is caused by defect in the hemoglobin protein.
What is sickle cell anemia?
Mobility for children with spina bifida aged 1-3 years.
What is Rolling, Crawling, & Scooting in sitting?
Presents with both lower extremities and one upper extremity.
What is Triplegia?
By 4 to 5 months of age, a baby can pick up a cube using this type of grasp.
What is the ulnar-palmar grasp?
A monosomy condition where females have only one X chromosome instead of two.
What is Turner syndrome?
This condition, found in 80% of myelomeningoceles, involves the protrusion of the cerebellum and brain stem out of the foramen magnum, often leading to hydrocephaly requiring surgical intervention.
What is Arnold Chiari Malformation?
Treatment strategies for Spastic Hemiplegia.
What is inhibit normal tone, promote equal weight bearing, and work on reciprocal movement patterns?
At 8 to 9 months, babies can use these two advanced hand grips.
What are the radial digital grasp and inferior pincer grasp?
This disorder is the most common inherited cause of intellectual disability, may include an elongated face, hypotonia, and cardiac anomalies.
What is Fragile X syndrome?
This type of spina bifida involves the meninges protruding through an unfused vertebral arch, forming a sac or pouch at the lesion site. The spinal cord remains intact but may still be affected.
What is Meningocele?
Persistence of primitive reflexes, mass patterns of movement, and hypertonicity.
At 12 to 15 months, a toddler achieves these gross motor skills, including the ability to perform these movements while standing.
What are walking, squatting from a stand, and taking one to two steps?
This genetic disorder is characterized by slim stature, long limbs, and hypogonadism?
What is Kleinfelter's syndrome?
At this level of Spina Bifida, individuals are less likely to develop hydrocephalus, have weak hip extension and hip abduction, and good knee flexion against gravity. They can walk with crutches for long distances, use a bicycle, but have no bowel and bladder control.
What is Spina Bifida at the L5 level?
Describes the current level of function and is concerned with the quality of movement.
What is Gross Motor Function Measure?
By 16 to 24 months, a child can follow two simple related commands, recognizes multiple body parts, and communicates using this form of speech.
What are two to three-word sentences?
A disorder caused by an extra copy of chromosome 13, leading to severe intellectual disability and physical abnormalities.
What is Patau syndrome?
Often born unconscious, blind, deaf, and unable to feel pain.
What is Anencephaly?
Unpredictable resistance to imposed movements alternating with complete absences of resistance.
What is Intermittent Passive Tone?