
Animism, centration, and magical thinking characterize the cognitive development of this age group.

Preschoolers (3-6)


Which diet is appropriate for a child with cystic fibrosis?

a. high sodium

b. high protein

c. keto diet

d. low calorie diet

b. lots of protein (and calories!)


In some obstructive heart defects, a __ infusion is used to keep the ductus arteriosus patent until surgery.

prostaglandin infusion

(patent ductus arteriosus pictured)


Label each condition

a. esophageal atresia

b. tracheo-esophageal fistula 

c. proximal esophageal atresia with a distal fistula

d. esophageal atresia

e. isolated tracheo-esophageal fistula


This syndrome is caused from the complete or partial monosomy of the X chromosome 

Turner syndrome

(only one functional x)


The __ reflex is present from birth until 3 months old, and expected findings include an infant grasping objects placed in its hand.

Palmar reflex


Which of the following findings is an early indication of hypoxemia in an infant?

a. nonproductive cough

b. hypoventilation

c. cyanosis

d. unconsciousness



Children with this disease may present with a rash, chapped lips, a red tongue, red eyes, and a fever of greater than 102 F which is not responsive to antipyretics.

Kawasaki disease


This disorder results when the proximal segment of the bowel telescopes into a distal segment. Findings include sudden abd pain, knee-to-chest positioning, and red currant jelly stools.



If a child has this disease, Koplik spots may appear in the mouth 2 days before a rash appears.

Measles (rubeola)


This fontanel closes by 6-8 weeks of age.

Posterior fontanel


The emergency department nurse is caring for a child diagnosed with epiglottitis. In assessing the child, the nurse should monitor for which indication that the child may be experiencing airway obstruction? 

1. The child exhibits nasal flaring and bradycardia.
2. The child is leaning forward, with the chin thrust out.
3. The child has a low-grade fever and complains of a sore throat.
4. The child is leaning backward, supporting himself or herself with the hands and arms.

2 The child is leaning forward, with the chin thrust out.


True or False: Atrial septal defects can lead to a decrease in lung blood flow.



This GI disorder causes projectile vomiting, dehydration, and constant hunger.

pyloric stenosis


A nurse is caring for a child with a Wilm's tumor. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?

a. prepare the child for surgery

b. teach parents about dialysis

c. obtain a urine specimen from the child

d. palpate the child's abdomen to asses the size of the tumor

prepare for surgery


Birth weight is doubled by _ months, and tripled by _ months.

doubled by 5-6mo, tripled at 12mo


A nurse is caring for a 5y/o female s/p tonsillectomy. Which of the following is a clinical finding of post-op bleeding?

a. Hgb 11.4 and Hct 37%

b. Frequent swallowing

c. blood-tinged mucus

d. a complaint of throat pain

C. Increased swallowing indicates an increased amount of fluid in the back of the throat, which can indicate bleeding post-op tonsillectomy


You are changing the diaper of an infant with known TOF when she begins crying. She becomes cyanotic around her fingers, toes, and lips. You...

a. push her knees to her chest in a squatting position

b. call the physician

c. continue changing the diaper and document the Tet spell

d. sit her upright

a. knees to chest/squatting is used during Tet spells as it increases peripheral vascular resistance (PVR) and thus decreases the magnitude of the right-to-left shunt across the ventricular septal defect (VSD). 


A nurse is teaching a parent of an infant with GERD. Which of the following should be included in the teaching?

A. offer frequent feeds

B. thicken formula with rice cereal

C. Position baby upright after feedings

D. Put infant to bed right after feedings

E. Use wide-based nipple for feeding

A, B, C


A teen is seen in clinic for a possible diagnosis of Hodgkin disease. The nurse is aware that which of the following symptoms should make the physicians suspect Hodgkin disease? 

1. Fever, fatigue, and pain in the joints. 

2. Anorexia with weight loss.

3. Enlarged, painless, and movable lymph nodes in the cervical area. 

4. Enlarged liver with jaundice.

Enlarged, painless, and movable lymph nodes in the cervical area are the most common presenting manifestations of Hodgkin disease.


A 5-year old child is due for which immunizations?





Flu vaccine


Classify the following asthma sx as "intermittent", "mild persistent", "moderate persistent", or "severe persistent": Symptomatic once or twice daily, has symptoms at night once a week. Some activity limitations, uses albuterol daily.

Moderate persistent asthma

(daily sx, nightly sx at least once a week but not every night, some activity limitations, daily beta-agonist)


When assessing an infant, you notice his legs are cooler than his upper extremities. His femoral pulses are weak but his brachial pulses are bounding. What condition do you suspect?

Coarctation of the aorta


What sx in an infant would alert you to the possibility of Hirschsprung's disease?

failure to pass meconium within 24-48 hrs after birth

vomiting bile

refusal to eat

abd distention


failure to thrive


The nurse is caring for a child with a diagnosis of Acute lymphoblastic leukemia who is receiving chemotherapy. The nurse notes that the child’s platelet count is 20,000/mcL. Based on this laboratory finding, what information should the nurse provide to the child and parents? 1. A soft toothbrush should be used for mouth care. 

2. Isolation precautions should be started immediately. 

3. The child’s vital signs, including blood pressure, should be monitored every 4 hours. 

4. All visitors should be discouraged from coming to see the family

Because the platelet count is decreased, there is a significant risk of bleeding, especially in soft tissue. The use of the soft toothbrush should help prevent bleeding of the gums.
