Developed by the Bobaths, this FoR was developed primarily for children with CP to help them move more efficiently.
What is Neurodevelopmental (NDT)
The use of adapting task methods, adapting task objects, and changing context is part of this FoR
What is Rehabilitative?
Engage the child in activities at the level they are successful
What is Developmental FoR?
This FoR allows the child to return to previous occupations
The idea that behavior is associated with mental illness and maintained by cognitive factors
What is the Cognitive Behavioral FoR?
Pain control modalities such as ice, massage, and acupressure can be used in this FoR
What is the Biomechanical FoR?
Both a theoretical process and intervention approach, this FoR includes terms such as modulation, discrimination, and integrating.
What is Ayres Sensory Integration?
What is the behavioral FoR?
Whole vs Part activities may be considered
What is the Motor Learning FoR?
Based on dynamic system theories and examines how one learns and moves.
What is Motor Control/Motor Learning?
Gaps in development can be affected by physical, social, emotional, and traumatic experiences
What is the Developmental FoR?
Teach the child NEW ways of completing an occupation
What is Rehabilitative FoR?
Focuses on the physical limitations of the child
What is Biomechanical?
The belief that more mature and complex patterns of behavior emerge from consolidation of simpler behavior's
OTPs begin with basic knowledge of TYPICAL movement
What is the Neurodevelopmental FoR?