Standardized Assessments
Diagnosis Specific
Early Intervention
Social Skills & Behavioral Management
Hand Skills

This type of swinging tends to be calming and organizing. 

What is linear swinging? 

The age ranges for the BOT-2 

What is 4 - 21 years? 


Early intervention serves children __________years old, and is performed in  _________(setting). 

What is 0-3 years, and is performed in natural context? 


A sticker chart is an example of intervening at which stage of behavioral event? 

What is Consequence? (Positive Reinforcement) 


Retrieving 3 coins from a coinpurse is an example of this type of hand skill.

What is finger to palm translation?

Wearing a weighted vest is an example of this type of input

What is deep pressure/deep tactile input? 

What assessment would be approrpiate to use with 4.5 year old child who is struggles to keep up with peers on the playground, switches hands frequently during handwriting with arm shaking, and unable to manage donning and doffing her shoes, as well as other dressing skills. 

What is PDMS-2? 

Which frame of reference is the most evidence based to use with children with CP, and requires repetitive task practice where the movement is taught as a whole, and in natural context, whenever possible. 

What is motor learning? 


EI services are provided under this legislation

What is IDEA Part C?

Name 2 functions of behavior. 

What is: sensory, escape, attention, tangible? 

All behavior has purpose! 


Separating playing cards is an example of which skill.

What is shifting?

Type of sensory processing difficulty that would result in a child needing to work in a dimly lit room.

What is visual hyperresponsiveness? 

When administering the PDMS-2, this is how you establish the child's ceiling. 

What is 3 consecutive 0's? 

Many children with ASD have difficulty understanding and adhering to social norms. In this intervention strategy, a child reads a book about a child engaging in typical patterns of behavior during an activity/event. 

What is a social story? 


In EI services, this written document is created which outlines all services needed, delivery methods and family objectives. 

What is an IFSP? 


In evaluating a child with behavioral concerns, the OT should explore all variables within the __-__-__ relationship. 

Hint: Acronym. (Must state words for all associated letters). 

What is ABC - Antecedent - Behavior - Consequence 


Removing a crayon from the box and preparing to color is an example of this skill. 

What is rotation? 


The process by which the central nervous system attends to stimuli; usually involves an orienting response.

What is sensory registration? 


The Beery VMI is an appropriate assessment for anyone ages ________ to ______ years. 

What is 2-100 years? 


This type of cerebral palsy is the most common, and associated with poor control of voluntary movement & difficulty regulating force

What is spastic CP?


Using this theory, children participating in a social skills group gain confidence and self-efficacy through participating in all aspects of the group including setting rules, naming the group, choosing snacks, and selecting rewards for goal attainment. 

What is self-determination theory? 


This type of grasp would be used by a 11 month old child picking up individual Cheerios from high chair tray. 

What is pincer grasp? 


The provision of individualized sensory experiences and activities throughout the day to support the optimal functioning of a child with sensory challenges.

What is a sensory diet? 


Many children with cerebral palsy have difficulty processing these 3 types of sensory information. 

What is visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive? 


In EI services, an OT may work with families to help establish healthy sleep routines. These may include: (name at least 2). 

What is consistent bedtime routine with calming strategies, white noise, limited sensory stimulation/total darkness, consequences or rewards if needed. 

This emotional regulation tool uses the CO-OP approach, where the child identifies self-regulation strategies, and then in the moment, identifies their emotional state and uses their strategies to move between states?

Hint: Blue, yellow, green, red 

What is Zones of Regulation
