Cardiovascular dysfunction
Respiratory Dysfunction
Mixed Bag
Cystic Fibrosis (CF)
An assessment of the extremities that is associated with cardiac disease.
What is Clubbing of the fingers?
3 systems that are involved in children with CHF.
What is- cardiac-Impaired myocardial function ( tachy, fatigue, low b/p) respiratory-pulmonary congestion(SOB, tachy, cyanosis) circulation- systemic congestion(weight gain, perh edema, acsites)
One anatomical reason newborns get more URI's more frequently than adult.
Airway is shorter than adults small which allows organisms to rapidly move down.
The primary condition that contributes to the persistance and severity of asthma
What are Allergies Asthmatic pts may have a genetic predisposition to the development of IGE mediated response to common allergens.
Name this disease...Exocrine gland dysfunction that produces multi-system involvement.
What is Cystic Fibrosis
This is the most common heart anomaly in children.
Ventral septal defect (VSD)
Electrolyte that is important to monitor with pts on digoxin.
Potassium. A decreased Serum potassium level enhances the effects of digoxin, increasing the risk of dig toxicity.
These are the s/s of croup syndromes. 3
What is barking cough, inspiratory stridor, and varying degrees of respiratory distress (croup syndromes affect larynx, trachea, and bronchi)
Pts with asthma exhibit this kind of a wheeze?
What is expiratory?
genetic etiology of CF
What is autosomal recessive trait. 1:4 chance with defective gene from both parents.
This is the postion children with heart disease typically sit to relieve cyanotic spells.
Squatting or knee-chest postion
The nursing care management actions for a pt receiving Lasix? 4 items....
Monitor acid base balance...lasix causes excretion of cl and K Strict I and O-it's a diuretic Observe for SA of hypoK- N,V,D, postural hypotension Observe for dig toxicity
A croup syndrom that is considered a true pediatric emergency
What is Acute Epiglottis because there is potential for respiratory obstruction. Preventive measure= HIB vaccine
These are 4 goals of asthma management. (prevention and control)
Avoid allergens, monitor function with peak/flow, relieve bronchospasm, avoid exacerbation
CF pts have increased viscosity of mucous glands in this area? Which organ is primarily affected?
What are the respiratory tract and pancreas.
3 cardiac defects are associated with increased pulmonary blood flow?
ASD, VSD, patent ductus arteriosus etiology due to abnormal connection b/t side of heart Increased blood volume on the right side of the heart increased pulmonary blood flow decreased systemic blood flow
The autoimmune disease that can occur after Strep A, beta hemolytic strep pharyngitis
What is Rheumatic Fever
The most common of the croup syndrome.
What is Acute laryngotracheobronchitis Can be caused by RSV, paraflu virus, mplasma pneumon, flu A and B clinical manifestations: inspiratory stridor, seal-like cough, can lead to rep acidosis, resp failure and death
These are the drugs that are used to treat TB. Normally how long?
INH, Rifampin, pyrazinamide . Six months.
pancreatic enzyme deficiency is associated with these 6 clinical manifestations
What are pancreatic fibrosis, diabetes, biliary cirrhosis, COPD, FFT, decreased respiratory output
this is the name of the cardiac defect that occurs when the fetal ductus arteriosus does not close within the first weeks of life.
What is the Patent Ductus Arteriosus?
The childhood disease that presents as is a general systemic vasculitis involving all vessels of the body and is diagnosed by 4 principle features, fever for 5 days, changes in extremities, rash, changes in lips/oral cavity, cervical lymphdenopathy?
Kawasaki Disease
The acute respiratory trac infection that has seen a resurgence in children 10 years and older and is associated with a high mortality rate in infants less than 6 months of age?
What is Pertussis (Whooping cough)
this is the age group... and respiratory condition...... that has been identified as most vulnerable and associated with an increase of deaths.
who are adolescents and asthma.
Diet that is recommended for CF pts. (4)
What is high PRO, CAL, salt supplementation, replacement of pancreatic enzymes.